~Clingy (Alt Version)~ Todoroki x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Can we go now?" he whispered in my ear.  "I'm hungry."

"You don't have to wait for me, go with Midoriya for now," I replied.

He breathed out an annoyed sigh, the cool air tickling the side of my neck.  "You aren't talking about anything special.  Besides, I'm still waiting for that kiss you promised me."

My face immediately turned hot again despite keeping my expression as neutral as it was before.

"Uh, Y/n, you okay there?" Kirishima perked up once he sensed my discomfort.

"Y-Yeah, totally fine-"

"Todoroki must be needing something," Ashido giggled, obviously knowing what was going on.  "You can worry about the tutoring stuff some other time, we can work out the schedule details some other time."

"No, it's fine we can work it out now!" I spoke a little too quickly to be natural, since my boyfriend fully captured me, his colder arm joining the other, and rested his head squarely on my shoulder.

"You seem to have a more pressing matter," Kiri chuckled.

"Just kiss me already," Todoroki whispered in my ear. "Please?  I've been waiting patiently."

My body shivered at his bold request.  He must be that desperate.  "Fine, I'll talk to you guys later, I need to take care of this."

At my surrender, Todoroki towed my body backwards, away from the cafeteria back into our classroom.

Mina whistled shamelessly, "Yeah, we know, go take care of your man!"

Ahh, it's not like that! I wanted to scream, but my impatient boyfriend kicked the door closed.

I turned around to stare at him head on.  "You are super needy today."  I only had the heart to be half serious, ending up chuckling halfway through.

Todoroki was pleased with himself, puckering his lips as he gently cradles my head in his palms, anticipating his long-awaited reward.  How can I say no to that?

I closed the distance with a quick, tender kiss, but as soon as we parted for a moment, he pulls me back in, stealing my lips in more gentle caresses.  His gentle but powerful love obvious in his kisses, never ceasing to move my heart and body towards him.

I smiled against his lips, entwining my fingers in his hand cupping my cheek.  "You were really yearning for that kiss, weren't you?"

"I wanted to be alone with you even before that."  His breathtaking smile played on his lips again before he moved towards his desk, tugging me by our entwined hands.  "I wanted to have lunch together, just us."  He pulled out two sets of bento lunches.  "My mom instructed me how to make bento went I visited her over the weekend."

I pulled the chair in front of his place towards his desk so I could sit across from him.  "Really?  I can't wait to try it."

"It's not much, but I wanted to make you lunch since you're my special person."  He pecked my nose and set one wrapped bento on my side.

"You're always spoiling me, getting me breakfast and now this?"  I untied the knot on the furoshiki and lifted the lid on the box.  "Todoroki!" I cooed.  Two small onigiri with seaweed smiley faces stared back up at me on one side of the box.  The other side had a tamagoyaki arranged in the shape of a heart wrapped in lettuce, some cherry tomatoes, and marinated pieces of meat wrapped in another lettuce leaf.  "This is so cute!"

He chuckled at me.  "Well, my mother did say to eat first with your eyes before your mouth."

Taste I did, and everything was delicious.  My stomach was happy with how spoiled I was.  Our lunch was spent feeding each other while I admired my boyfriend's chewing faces.  Something about his cheeks being satisfyingly full filled my own heart with tenderness.  "You must've been anxious waiting for lunch the entire morning."

He wiped the corner of my mouth with his thumb.  "I woke up extra early, a little early actually, so I had time to pick up breakfast as well.  Did you enjoy it?"

I patted my belly.  "I'm always happy with food, but it's especially good when it's made by you, Todo."  I leaned forward in my seat.  "I'd like to give my compliments to the chef."

His mismatched eyes danced in glee, eagerly waiting for his payment.  I pressed a kiss to both his cheeks and one on his nose.  "For my precious boy."

"I'll be sure to do this more often if my reward is kisses."  He continued finishing his last few bites with his soft, accomplished smile.

If this is what a clingy Todoroki has in store for me, then I would gladly put up with his needy behavior for these treasured moments.

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