Elizabeth Jade Jackson (partially edited)

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Before reading this you should know that there are a bunch of spelling mistakes (which you can point out in the comments (no hate please)). It gets better towards the end so give it a try

Sorry for the mishap, bare with me

enjoy :))))))


"Boarding school?" I repeat my mother's solemn words, just to see if I heard her correct or if I was going mad.

"Wait, did you just say Boarding school!" I say even louder this time. Sudden realisation dawning on me. I definitely heard them correctly.

And then I repeat myself, drilling it in my head. "BOARDING SCHOOL!" I scream towards my parents who stand before me. I'm just putting the cherry on top by screaming.

"You have got to be kidding me, Why on Earth are you even considering Boarding school for?!" my head spins at the thought of 'boarding school' itself.

What had begun as a wonderful dinner with both my parents actually sitting beside me rather than my usual routine of eating dinner alone, I was catching up with my parents. I hadn't seen them for a while, they were always too busy occupied with work and had no time to converse with me whenever they actually decided to come home. One topic lead to another and then I found myself in a heated argument with them, which lead to now where they had just decided to throw the bomb of 'boarding school' at my Fucking face!

My mother had on a black dress and to match her dress, she wore a set of metal bangles which clanged together every time she shook the report card with her hands. The sound of the bangles was becoming irritating as I hadn't been listening to a word they were saying: my focus was on those darn bangles, as if I could telepathically stop them from jingling. That's when the words spilled out of my mother's mouth which seemed to shatter the trance I was in.

"Yes Jade! You knew it would come to this if your grades stayed the same, they are unacceptable, and to think you could hide them from us is very disappointing." My mother exclaims, frantically waving the report card in front of my face.

"Your mother is right, what has gotten into you?! You've changed so much..."

I cut into his speech of disappointment he had in store for me, not ready to hear my father spit words that would be laced with hate that would hurt me. I was more of a daddy's girl and the fact that I knew what he was going to say would ruin that. So I decided to retaliate.

"I've changed to you because you're never there! You don't fucking know me anymore, you don't understand the pain you've caused me. And Boarding school... you're out of you bloody minds!" I shout, not caring at the moment as the sparks fly out of my mouth.

"Mind your language young girl!" my mother says frustrated

Before I regret saying anything else I bolt towards the stairs, stomping my way up to the room as fresh tears streak my face.

"ELIZABETH JADE JACKSON GET DOWN HERE NOW! WE ARE NOT DONE YET!" I hear her scream but before she can finish I have already slammed the door, distinctively cutting off her voice.

I crumble onto my bed and hug my pillow tightly while the tears continue to trickle down my face. I never really cried before as I had no motive to do so, I was never really hurt before but now I just let out all the pent in anger I had in me, letting it all flow out. I had everything here in Ridgetown: friends, a job, family, and school! My life here was enjoyable and it was a place where all my memories were held.

My grades weren't even that bad, not how my parents were exaggerating it to be. You can't just walk away from a life you have put so much dedication into perfecting. I was a burden to them that's sending me off

All these thoughts bombard my head and drain the rest of the energy I have left of just thinking of it and the arms of sleep tug me towards them as I drift off into a deep slumber.


hope you enjoyed this chapter 




Thank you

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