chapter 25

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heads up, im extremely extremely sorry for updating so late, ive been drowning in exams, i lost my chapters that i had written and was going to upload and im a bitch too so yaaaaaa, hope this makes up for it love yaaaaaa so enjoy!


The smell of steaming coffee, turning pages of ageing books and furious typing on laptops wafted in the air around us whilst we sat on the wooden high chairs of the study area in the café area of the library. It was a relaxing place to sit and study; with the usual people with their massive headphones and a polystyrene cup filled with coffee or hot chocolate, everyone was getting on with their own things and it was comfortable. Comfortable for a set of teenagers to hand and study.

Lauren sat across the table from me, and Elliot was sat beside me on the next chair down. Our cups brewing white clouds of smoke on our faces as we each took sips. The faint music from the radio played in the background filling in the gaps of silence between us, although there was no need, the silence was comfortable. It had been a long week for us, with exams and all, sometimes silence in all was the best answer because if you hear silence right, it's more powerful than lousy words.

We had finally left school after a long day of pointless lessons and had decided to come to "Sally's Vintage", the old coffee shop down the road that was a library also, it had become extremely popular over the years and after we had been kicked out of Starbucks after what had happened, this was the place to go.

I was also contemplating with excitement about my date tonight. Although I didn't actually give a damn about how I looked in general, I wanted to look good so now my head was a whirlwind of thoughts on what I should wear, where are we going and what would be suitable. No wonder why I was shit at this, I'd never been on a date before. I laugh eternally, this just sums up my life as a whole. Forever lonely, at times I would see myself growing old surrounded by 64 cats lurking in my house.

I had repeatedly asked Elliot to give me an idea so I'd be prepared, but nooooo, he wanted It to be a damn surprise! Cute but not cute.

Lost in my drowning thoughts and worries, I hadn't noticed the conversation that had arisen in the atmosphere between Lauren and Elliot. And don't worry, after I had found Lauren, I had dragged her away to the bleachers where I had drilled out everything that had happened and why she disappeared and oh was what she had spilled ever so full of bundles of happiness. I was over the moon for her when I had found out that her and Marc had actually confessed their dying love for each other drunkenly. No wonder, cause Marc was whipped as fuck that morning when he was with us. The snapping of fingers and a pair of cold fingers interlaced between my own in perfect formation brought me back to reality.

"Yes?" I questioned to two amused looking faces.

"I said that you are going to be a sex slave to a fifty-year-old man when you're older" Lauren said calmly, twinkles of amusement in her eyes when she saw my eyes widen. The contents in my mouth were spat out in a matter of seconds followed by a fit of laughter by the pair of them. If now was a time to be baffled, I was extremely consumed by the bafflement.

"WHAT!" I almost but yelped at Lauren who was struggling to breathe and Elliot who was now on the floor trying to contain his laughter. Minutes ticked by as they tried to control the outbursts and get back their breathing.

"You know what, I don't even want to know what on earth you guys were talking about because I have places to be. Adios mother fuckers." I said before grabbing my backpack and jumping off the high stool but was stopped by a hand clamped around my wrist. Elliot pecked me on the cheek and Lauren being Lauren was still laughing. I noticed, even if she was to get run over she would be laughing, the girl laughs at anything. I waved goodbye to them and exited the shop. I would have to walk for a good fifteen minutes because we had come in Elliot's car. It would be a good source of exercise and I really needed to inhale the crisp cold air. I wrapped my parka tighter around my body and was thankful I was wearing boots to keep my small feet warm on my walk back to the dorms.


WHAT DO I WEAR! I screamed internally. I had emptied out my whole wardrobe and couldn't find anything. I didn't even know why it bothered me so much anyways!

"Leannnnne help me you useless cow, I need to need clothing advice, not for you to watch me turn into a psychopath while eating popcorn!" I cried out. She laughed and got up from Lauren's bed, walking over whilst she ate some more popcorn. I snatched the bowl out of her hand and dropped to the floor, stuffing my own face with popcorn, fake sniffing as if I was depressed. She got to work, rummaging through the piles of clothes that I had made on the floor and through my cupboard. I bopped my head along to 'blackbear-dirty laundry' that played from Laurens speaker deck until Leanne came out of the snow of clothes with a pair of black skinny jeans, and a simple white oversized jumper. She hummed along to the beat and walked towards where my shoes were placed, bringing me back a pair of black, small heeled ankle boots. I looked up at her with a huge grin plastered across my face. I jumped up and pulled her into a bear hug thanking her immensely.

"This outfit literally screams YOU. Also casual all in all and perfect for a date, especially when its minus a million outside". I squealed in delight, hugged her back and she gave me a satisfied smile in return. I changed right there and then, not caring if she was still there. Over the past time that I had been here I had grown closer and closer to Leanne and Lauren, they were like the sisters I never had, replicas to Roxy and Amy back at home, but as time went by, this was becoming my new home, maybe where I really belonged.

Once I shimmied myself into the jeans, I tied my hair into a messy bun and then applied a layer of mascara to my eyelashes. Once I was done, I glanced up at the clock on the wall above the door and noticed I was bang on seven. I turned to Leanne and gave her a hug; then I grabbed my purse and my phone, slipping on my shoes with my purse between my teeth. I thanked her and composed myself. Right then my phone vibrated and I was pretty sure it was a signal for me to leave. I opened the text and read that Elliot was downstairs. Due to the rules and having to be back for curfew and all that bullshit, I smirked at Leanne who told me not to worry and have a great time. They told me they had my back and would cover for me, of course they had both implied sexual references to the night ahead which both deserved them a slap across the head.

I ran down the stairs, not bothering to wait for the lift, I dabbed my lips with some good old Carmex which made my lips sting and darted towards the desk. I signed out as quick as I could and was out of the entrance door in a matter of seconds. That's when I saw it. One of those typical scenes where the boy looked hot!

He came out of the car with his hair swept back, no slacks nor suit, black jeans and his lace up boots, he turned around, eyes an electric blue and a set of dashing teeth too and smiled over at me. Perfection. I walked over as confident as I could but I was swooning over how darn hot he looked at this moment. He closed the gap between us and kissed me softly on my lips making fireworks zoom through my blood stream.

His minty breath fanned my lips when he pulled apart resting his forehead on mine.

"Carmex?" he asked and I grinned. "You look beautiful by the way." He said before he got in the car. I blushed and jogged to the passenger side and jumped in.

"So where are we going?" I asked innocently.

"Places." He replied with a grin etched on his face and at that we drove off.





stay smiling :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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