Chapter 7: The Second Wish

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You arrived in Krolva just before nightfall, and you headed straight to the field where the carnival had set up shop. At last, you could get some answers.

However, your good mood deflated after a few hours of fruitless searching. "It has to be here," you growled.

Although Levi didn't say anything, you could see the pity in his eyes. It hurt that he didn't believe you, but you couldn't blame him for it. Objectively, the whole thing was crazy.

Just as you were finishing your fourth lap around the carnival, you saw it. Rather, you felt that same ominous tug from before, pulling you in.

"That's it," you stated, pointing it out to Levi.

As his eyes locked on the tent, his body went rigid. Did he feel it too? "So...what?" he asked. "We just walk in and ask the old lady to reverse your wish?"

"Basically," you replied. "I don't know what else to do."

Still, you hesitated, remembering how wrong the tent had felt. How it had made you afraid.

Levi noticed and took your hand, squeezing it gently. "I'm here," he reminded you.

For a moment, you forgot your fear completely. It was as if nothing had changed. Levi was here, comforting you, giving you strength. He wasn't the meek, submissive person you had pulled out of the darkness. He was being brave for you. Just like he was always brave for everyone.

It amazed you how he could change so drastically in such a short time. Then again, maybe Levi had always been this way, and he just needed the right environment to bring it out.

You returned his squeeze, then walked inside.

"Back for more?" you heard the crone drawl.

You felt fear creep down your spine, threatening to paralyze you. But you took strength from Levi's grip on your hand, and you stepped into the dark room.

"I want you to reverse what you did," you stated, looking the crone in the eye. "This isn't the world I wished for."

"Isn't it?" she asked, a smirk pulling at her lips. "You wished for a world where your husband didn't have to fight anymore. You got it."

"That's not what I –" You cut off abruptly as you processed her words. "Wait a minute," you muttered, feeling goosebumps rise on your skin. "I never told you that Levi was my husband."

Her grin turned predatory. "You shouldn't mess with things you don't understand, little girl," she chided.

Levi glanced back and forth between the two of you. "So it's true?" he said, more to himself than anyone. "(F/n) and I are..."

The crone's eyes locked on him. "Married? In love?" she asked mockingly. "No, you're not. That was the old reality. While (f/n) may have stayed the same, you changed. She loves someone else. Someone who's gone. Not you."

Levi flinched, as if her words were a physical blow. You felt him start to let go of your hand, but you only held on tighter.

"How could you say that?" you snapped. "You don't know anything! Leave him alone!"

"I know more than you think, as I've already proven," she said coolly. "You may not like it, dear, but that's the truth. Now, as for your request to reverse your wish..." The crone licked her lips. "I'm afraid that's impossible. Each person only gets one wish, you see. And you've used yours."

At her words, the heat of your anger disappeared. Instead, a cold fear spread throughout your body. "But...that can't be..." you whispered.

"I told you the price would be high," she said flatly. "You agreed to pay it."

"The...price..." you breathed as her true meaning dawned on you. Then you started yelling. "! That's not fair! I thought you meant the price was money! Not humanity's future! Not Levi! You tricked me!"

The crone's eyes shone with wicked glee. But contrary to her expression, she stated, "I did no such thing. Now, off with you."

You opened your mouth to demand she fix things, but Levi spoke first.

"What if I make a wish?"

You turned to him, shocked. He had been silent for so long, seemingly cowed by the crone's harsh words. But now, resolution filled his stance and voice.

The crone also seemed surprised by his outburst. "What?" she muttered.

"What if I make a wish?" Levi repeated. "You said everybody gets one. I haven't used mine yet. But I'd like to."

Her eyes narrowed. "I suppose..." she grumbled reluctantly.

Levi nodded. "Then I want you to completely reverse (f/n)'s wish. And nothing more."

The crone smirked. "You know you'll have to pay the price, don't you? Your reality, even 'you' as you know yourself, will cease to exist. Are you willing to accept that?"

"I am," Levi stated.

She sighed, rolling her eyes in defeat. "Very well. Tomorrow morning, when (f/n) wakes up, she will find that her wish has been reversed. Now both of you, get out of my tent. I'm tired of whiny children."

You turned to Levi, unable to stop yourself from smiling. He had done it! Reality would be back to normal.

However, your elation didn't overshadow the ominous feeling that permeated the tent. You shot one more glare at the crone and left, unable to stand being in her space any longer.

Be Careful What You Wish For (Prostitute Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now