Chapter 4: Too Good to Be True

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By the time you left the Underground City, night had fallen. You stepped onto the streets of Sina, with nothing above you but sky, and Levi gasped.

You stopped, letting him have this moment as he gazed upward, mouth parted slightly in shock. This Levi had never seen the sky before, you realized suddenly. Your heart wrenched.

You stood there for as long as he wanted, looking at him while he looked at the sky.

"Thank you," he breathed, seeming like he was about to cry again.

"You don't have to thank me," you replied. "Come on, let's get some sleep."

You led Levi to the hotel room that you had purchased in advance before going to the Underground City. It was luxurious, just like everything else in Sina. It was also expensive, but that couldn't be helped.

You let Levi bathe first. You weren't sure if he was still a clean freak, but you wanted him to feel comfortable, regardless.

Since his clothes were filthy, you gave him some of yours to sleep in. They normally would have been tight on him, but this Levi was much thinner than the one you knew. Too thin. Your clothes were almost a perfect fit.

You brought him some food from the bar downstairs before taking your own bath. You belatedly realized that you had forgotten to bring your pajamas in with you. When you walked out, wrapped in a towel, you found Levi sitting on the bed, seemingly waiting for you. And he was completely naked.

"L-Levi..." you sputtered. "What –"

Before you could finish, he stood up, closing the distance and pressing his lips to yours. And...oh...

Instinctively, your body responded to him in the way it always did. Your eyelids fluttered closed, and your knees felt weak. But his arms were around you, holding you so you wouldn't fall. Heat bloomed as his hands and mouth roved your skin, knowing exactly how to make you feel good. His long, skilled fingers slid the knot from your towel. And you let him. You wanted to get lost in him – wanted to forget everything and everyone except your Levi.

Then suddenly, you remembered.

Levi didn't know you – not in this reality. He was only doing this because...

"Levi, stop," you gasped as you carefully pushed him away while clutching the towel to your skin.

His eyes momentarily widened in surprise. Then they fell to the floor, embarrassment filling his expression. He seemed to curl in on himself as he mumbled, " don't want...I mean, isn't that why you..."

A knot formed in your chest. "No, Levi," you murmured gently. "Listen, you don't have to do that anymore. I don't want anything from you. I just...I want to help you. No strings attached. Okay?"

"Okay," he whispered, though shame and disbelief still mingled in his eyes.

The knot in your chest tightened. "You don't have to feel bad about it either, Levi. What they made you wasn't your fault."

Again, Levi didn't look like he believed you, but he nodded anyway.

You sighed. This world had been so cruel to him that Levi thought the only reason someone would show him kindness was because they wanted to use him. It made you sick, and so very sad.

"Just...get dressed and get some sleep," you said quietly. "I'll take the couch. You can have the bed."

Be Careful What You Wish For (Prostitute Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now