Chapter 2: What You Wish For

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You awoke to sunlight streaming in through the window. Levi was no longer next to you, but that was normal. He usually woke up early.

However, as you were getting dressed, you didn't see any of Levi's clothes in the wardrobe. He must be washing them, you thought. My little cleaning fairy.

You went to grab breakfast in the mess hall, but something was off. The atmosphere was tense, and soldiers were whispering in little huddles. You made your way over to your usual seat at the officer's table and asked, "What's up with everyone? Did something happen?"

Both Erwin and Hanji turned to look at you, but it was the commander who answered. "The government has voted to disband the Scout Regiment," he stated solemnly.

"What?" you gasped. "But...why?"

"We haven't made any progress," Erwin muttered. "I thought the new formation would be enough, but regrettably, it wasn't. It only delayed the inevitable. The government no longer thinks we have any chance of being successful."

"But...that's insane," you replied, anger seeping into your voice. "We've made great strides with your formation. And Levi is like an entire brigade unto himself. Anyone with a brain could see that the Scouts have what it takes to be successful."

"Levi?" the commander asked. Both his and Hanji's eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, you know, Humanity's Strongest Soldier?" You scoffed. "Ever since he joined, our success rate has skyrocketed. How can the government just overlook that?"

"(F/n)," Hanji muttered, "there's no one here by that name."

You stared at her. "Very funny, Hanji," you grumbled. "Come on, this is serious. We have to do something."

"Hanji's right," Erwin said, concern crossing his features. "(F/n), are you feeling well?"

You froze. Why would they both lie to you – now, of all times? It didn't make any sense. But then, the only other alternative would be...

"You're saying...that you've never known anyone by the name of Levi? That he was never a soldier in this regiment?"

"Not as long as I've been here," Erwin replied, the concern still evident on his face.

You had to take a moment before speaking again. "I...I don't think I am feeling well, actually," you stammered. "I'll see you later."

Before either of them could respond, you rushed back to your bedroom. But no matter how many times you searched, you couldn't find any trace of Levi. Like he had never been there at all.

"This can't be..." you muttered to yourself.

Suddenly, you flashed back to the tent. The crone. The wish.


A world where Levi didn't have to fight. That's what this was. Because of course he wouldn't have to fight if he wasn't in the military. But then, where was he?

The thought crossed your mind that maybe, Levi wasn't in this world at all.

You shoved that idea away before you could start to panic. Levi had to be here. He had to be. You just had to find him.

But where were you supposed to start?

The answer came quicker than you expected. The Underground City. The only other place Levi had ever lived. The obvious problem was, Levi had been fighting down there, too. However, it was the only lead you had.

You were smart enough to change out of your military uniform before you left.


You had no idea what to do next after you arrived in that hellhole. So you started asking around – at bars, mostly. No one had heard of Levi. However, they had heard of Kenny the Ripper.

You bit down on your fear as you approached the bar that Kenny favored. Levi had told you many stories about Kenny, and none of them were comforting. But he was the only person who could help you find Levi.

"Excuse me?" you muttered, keeping your voice level. "Are you Kenny?"

"Who's asking?" the man grunted as he turned to face you.

You went rigid at the sight of him. A body as powerful as Levi's, and a look in his eyes that threatened to kill. However, you couldn't let your fear win.

"I'm a friend of Levi's," you explained. "Do you know where he is?"

"Don't know anyone by that name," Kenny grumbled, turning back to his drink. "Get lost, little girl."

"Please," you pressed, a bit of desperation seeping into your voice. "He's Kuchel's son. You were close with her, weren't you?"

At that, Kenny's eyes flicked back to you. After regarding you for a moment, he snapped, "Outside. Now."

You followed Kenny into a deserted alley. If he was going to kill you, this would be the place to do it. But still, you didn't run away. This was your only chance.

Kenny whirled on you. "How did you know Kuchel?" he growled.

"I didn't," you said hastily, throwing your hands up in a placating gesture. "I know her son, Levi. Could you please tell me where he is?"

Kenny looked you up and down, assessing. "Why do you want to know?"

"I need his help," you murmured. "Please."

Kenny scoffed. "That runt ain't in any position to help anybody."

For a moment, your heart fluttered. So Kenny did know where Levi was. But then his words sank in, and worry crossed your features. "Is something wrong? Is he in trouble?"

"Somethin' like that," Kenny grumbled.

"Then I want to help him," you stated, sincerity shining in your eyes. "Please, will you take me to him?"

Kenny hesitated, but he couldn't deny the earnestness in your gaze. You really did care about Levi.

"Fine," he mumbled. "But you won't like what you see."


Kenny stopped outside of a large, run-down building, and you gasped. "This is..."

"A brothel," Kenny finished, looking at the place with a grim expression. "I told you that you wouldn't like it."

"And...Levi's inside?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.

Kenny nodded. "Didn't have anywhere else to go after his mother died."

Your eyes widened. " never raised him..."

"Well, I'll leave you to it."

He started to leave, but you called out, "Kenny!"

When he looked over his shoulder, you murmured, "Thank you."

He scoffed. "You won't be thankin' me once you're inside, little girl."

Be Careful What You Wish For (Prostitute Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now