Chapter 7

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When war breaks out, Byleth can't actually say that she is surprised. For a while know, she has had a feeling that things would eventually come to this, and now, it is not hard to determine what side she falls on. For as long as she has been a part of society beyond her life as a mercenary, she has been fighting alongside those of the Alliance, and Claude has put a great deal of trust in her. There is no question about where her loyalties lie and that, more so with the church, they are with the Alliance.

Her letters to and from Holst had become so lighthearted recently, in his obvious attempts to cheer her up, and now, she has to break that pattern to send a more serious letter. Now does not seem like the right time to keep pretending as if everything is okay, and as if he can keep playfully flirting and she can keep pretending to be oblivious. They are at war with the Empire now, so the time for lighthearted conversation should come to an end.


The Empire and the Church are at war now, and the Kingdom and Alliance will be supporting the Church, of course. I know you already know all of this. I'm going to be supporting the Alliance, so I will do my best to protect all of my students, if it comes down to it. I hope that you and your family will be safe, even when you have to go out on the battlefield.

Wars aren't that unfamiliar to me. There has not been a war on this scale in a long time, certainly not in my lifetime, but I'm used to battles and used to these tactics. This is the sort of thing that I was trained for, the sort of thing that is more familiar to me than the classroom could ever be. Even so, I had hoped that things could become peaceful, and that maybe I could just be a teacher.

I know that was pretty stupid of me, looking back, but I have loved my time at the monastery so much. I would give anything to relive those days, over and over again, so I hope, somehow, that we can go back to that someday. All of this must sound terribly naive to someone who actually knows how the world works. No matter how much battle experience I may have, I can never make up for my lack of life experience.

Sorry for the tone this letter took. I've just had a lot on my mind lately, and I find you the easiest person to talk to. Of course, you can unload anything onto me as well, and I'll be sure to listen.

Yours, Byleth


You don't need to apologize for that. I can't even begin to imagine how things must be there. It's likely that we will have issues communicating as things get more heated, but I will do my best to write to you whenever I can. I'm sure I can find some way to get it to you, though if things continue as they are, there may be a chance of us fighting side by side, since you've chosen to fight for the Alliance.

I won't say that I'm grateful to the conflict for the chance to finally meet you, but I can't deny that it excites me, at least a little bit, to know that that is a possibility. Sorry if that's too forward of me; we both know I have a track record of getting carried away like that.

You may think that it's naive to hope for a time where you can teach and spend time with your students in peace again, but I don't think it is. I think that should be what we're all fighting for, at the end of it all. Your lack of life experience, as you put it, seems to only rid you of the more selfish impulses that come with war. I think that makes you a very valuable ally to have, and I'm proud to say that we will be fighting on the same side.

As long as you are there, I trust that Hilda is still in good hands. I'm sure that she is worried right now. I will do my best to reassure her with my letters, but if you can keep an extra eye on her for me, as you have already been doing, it would be appreciated. I know that she admires you a great deal, perhaps even more than I do, but she has the advantage and blessing of getting to work by your side every day. Have I mentioned how envious of her that I am?

Teasing aside, you have my support, and my gratitude for choosing to fight at our sides.



The last letter that Byleth gets from Holst, she does not have a chance to reply to. She has done her best to make sure that she does not leave him hanging, writing back immediately so that she can avoid another situation like before, but this time, things are much more out of her control than they were then.

Then, she had the ability to reply, but not the energy, nor the words. Now, there is no one to reply to him. After the sudden attack on Garreg Mach, everyone has to go to battle, and Byleth leaves the letter behind, still on her desk, before she disappears during the battle, and is eventually presumed dead. They search for her body, but it is never found.

Holst waits for a reply from her while waiting for word on the situation at the monastery. He eventually hears from his younger sister that she will be returning home soon. It must be difficult for her to tell him that Byleth is dead. She knew how much he wanted to meet her someday, and now, he will never have that chance.

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