Chapter 1: The Traveling Carnival

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"Levi, we're heading to the carnival now. Are you coming?"


You sighed, though in all honesty, you had been expecting this. The regiment had returned from an expedition yesterday, and as usual, quite a few soldiers had died or been wounded. Levi had tried to save some of them, even though it was impossible, and he took their deaths personally. Of course, he didn't show it anywhere but here, in the privacy of your shared bedroom. He didn't show it to anyone but you, the person he loved and trusted more than any other – his wife.

Levi clearly wasn't in the mood for a carnival. You yourself had wondered if going would be in poor taste, given what had happened. However, many of the soldiers insisted that it was important to take your mind off of things, so a large group of Scouts was planning to attend.

"Are you sure?" you asked Levi. While you knew he wasn't a fan of social gatherings even under normal circumstances, you didn't want to leave him here to ruminate in his guilt.

"I'm sure," he replied flatly, his back to you so you couldn't see his face.

"Well, what if I stayed here, then?" you suggested. "I don't mind –"

"Go, (f/n)," he growled curtly, ending the discussion.

A knot formed in your chest, and you instinctively reached out – to hold him, to comfort him, to do something – but then you stopped yourself. You let your hand fall. Levi clearly wanted space right now, so even though it felt wrong to you, you decided to leave him alone for a little while.

"I'll see you soon," you mumbled. Then you walked out the door.


You tried your best to enjoy the traveling carnival that only came once a year. You pretended to smile and laugh with your friends. However, you couldn't stop worrying about Levi. You couldn't help thinking that you should go back to the barracks and do something to comfort him, even if you only sat in the same room.

While the rest of your friends were absorbed by one of the street performances, you let your eyes wander along with your mind. Everything seemed dull to you – the lights, the music, everything. Until your eyes landed on one tent in particular.

It appeared to be just like all the others, but there was something different about it. When you looked at that tent, you felt a tug, like it was pulling you in.

Without thinking, you walked toward it. Your friends were too focused on the show to notice you leaving.

You ducked through the opening, and you found yourself in a sort of antechamber, filled with luxurious, glittering fabrics that hung from the ceiling and walls.

"Come in," a voice called. It sounded low and scratchy, like an old woman.

Your eyes snapped in the direction of the voice. It seemed to be coming from the next room, which was shrouded in darkness. The tug you had felt earlier grew stronger, but while that darkness drew you in, it also gave you a feeling of foreboding.

You hesitated.

"I said, come in," the voice insisted.

The tug became so strong that you couldn't fight it. You pushed aside the glittering silk and entered the next room.

The fabrics in here were all dark, devouring the small light that ebbed from a single candle in the center of the room. That candle sat on a table, and behind that table sat a crone.

The stab of fear you felt didn't make sense. You were trained to fight titans. There was no way this old woman could harm you. And yet, you were afraid.

"Sit down," she commanded softly.

Although it felt wrong, you did as she asked.

"Now, tell me, child – what is it that you want?" she asked, her piercing eyes boring into you.

"What I...want?" you whispered.

"Indeed. That's why you're here, isn't it? You want to get your wish?"

"I...I don't know why I'm here," you stammered. "I just –" You stopped yourself, realizing how crazy you would sound if you told her that some invisible force just tugged you inside her tent.

The woman pursed her thin lips in exasperation. "A bit slow, aren't you? Then I'll explain. You tell me the deepest, most desperate desire in your heart, and I'll make it come true." She flashed a wicked grin. "For a price, of course."

"The deepest..." you mumbled, your gaze falling to your lap as you became lost in thought. You knew what it was. It had been your wish ever since the day you realized you were in love with Levi. But that was private. You didn't want to tell it to some random old woman. Yet, you found the words spilling out of your mouth anyway. "I wish for a world where Levi didn't have to fight anymore," you whispered.

The crone chuckled, and the sound sent a shiver down your spine. "Well, aren't you a selfless one? Most people just ask for run-of-the-mill fame and fortune. But are you prepared to pay the price for such a wish?"

Her question snapped you out of your reverie. "Oh, um...right." The woman hadn't really done anything, but that was how these carnival tents worked. More than that, you still couldn't shake that awful feeling that had gripped you ever since you entered the tent. You just wanted to pay her and get out.

"Here," you said, digging some coins out of your pocket and handing them to her. "Is this enough?"

Faster than any old woman had a right to be, she snatched the coins in her withered hand, immediately beginning to count them. "Yes, that will do," she purred with a smirk. "Many thanks for your business, child. When you wake up tomorrow, you will find that your wish has come true."

Another a shiver raked down your spine. Unable to speak, you merely nodded at the crone. Then you stumbled out of the tent as fast as your legs could carry you.

You were so lost in thought that you didn't notice Petra until you ran into her.

"Hey, (f/n)," she said, grabbing your arms to steady you. "Are you alright? We've been looking everywhere for you."

"Yeah," you muttered. "I was just..."

You turned to show her the tent, but it was gone. was just there a minute ago, you thought.

Petra seemed not to notice your odd behavior. "Well, now that we've found you, let's go! There's a tightrope performance starting in five minutes!"


When you arrived back at HQ an hour after midnight, Levi was still awake – unsurprisingly. You gently convinced him to change and come to bed with you. As you held him in your arms, you could feel the invisible weight he still carried on his shoulders. You thought back to the wish you had made at the carnival, desperately wanting it to be true. Levi deserved a world where he didn't have to constantly fight for his life and the lives of his comrades. He deserved to be free.

Be Careful What You Wish For (Prostitute Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now