Chapter 5

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'WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!' I heard someone yell from the kitchen, I rubbed my eyes as I walked towards the noise, I had only just gotten up.

'Take it easy, it's just a toaster.' Steve said calmly. I entered the kitchen. Steve grabbed toasted bread from the toaster as he tried to calm down Draco, who stood in a ninja-like attacking-position.

'Draco, could you please calm down?' I asked. He immediately dropped to his normal stance.

'It's a toaster, it toasts bread.' I explained.

'Oh... Sorry.'

'No worries.' I grabbed a plate and looked at the breakfast Steve had baked so far. 'It smells delicious Steve.'

'Thanks.' He said, he was still in his workout clothes from his morning run. I imagined he would probably take a shower after breakfast.

I filled my plate with some scrambled eggs and some bacon and gestured to Draco to do the same. I sat down as Draco followed me to the table. It was quiet for a bit, until chaos erupted. Uncle Clint jumped down from a vent, Thor flew in from a random open window.

Sam ran in with Tony running after him. He had probably stolen some kind of wrench to get him upstairs. Pepper came in on the phone, but hang up as soon as she reached the table. Bruce and Nat came in walking, talking about something. And Wanda walked in last and poured herself some tea from the pot on the stove.

Draco scrambled to stand up, not really knowing what to do. I calmly ate my eggs as I was used to the chaos and gestured for him to sit down.

'Is it going to be like this every morning?' He asked.

'Not necessarily. This is a bit more chaotic than normal, but it isn't unusual.'


'You'll get used to it.' I patted him on the shoulder.

This was only one of the many things Draco had to get used to, most of those things existed of us explaining him all sorts of technology, in which he sometimes could be quite interested. I also discovered that he could speak French, which led to us carrying many conversations in French, to the great dispute of Tony and Bruce, who constantly tried to ask Natasha or Pepper what we were talking about.

It was strange how much closer Draco and I had gotten, not in a romantical sense of course, but more in a brother and sister-ish sense. There were positive parts in it, but also negative parts. So to say, there was a lot of annoying each other, hiding our food so the other doesn't eat it... the whole bleepin' skedaddle.

Draco also discovered a like of throwing knives and daggers, in fact, he was a natural at it. I'm not sure if I'm exactly surprised about that. It did lead to a couple of cool fights with my longsword and his double daggers. He hasn't won so far. Throughout the summer, Steve taught me some tricks with the watch that I had gotten from Tony and Pepper, the one that could change into a shield.

In these weeks I also got some lessons in legilimency from Wanda, since our mind-reading powers are so alike. I could now drown out thoughts whenever I wanted, even when there were a lot of people.

We got our letters two weeks before school. Steve had grabbed the mail and gave us each our respective letters.

'It seems Dumbledore knows you're here.' I noted.

'So it seems, how though?'

'I have no idea.'

I quickly read through the letter and looked at the booklist.


The standard book of spells, grade 2, by Miranda Goshawk

A new home (Part 2 Of The Leonora Grace Series)Where stories live. Discover now