The class captain – Ahmed banged his hand on the table seven times as a signal to stand up.

"Class greet" he said.

I rolled my eyes. We're supposed to be over this method. We're seniors.

We stood up and greeted him.

"Good morning, sir" we chorused.

"Good morning class" Mr Ajayi responded "Sit down"

We sat and waited.

"Oh my gosh" I heard someone near me squeal.

Mr Ajayi spoke in hushed tones to Miss Ann as if instructing her to do something. The class erupted into a fit of whispers and giggles.

"He's fine o!" the girls exclaimed.

"And he's tall"

"See muscles, mehnnn"

The boy wasn't dressed in our school uniform. Instead, he was dressed in a white Versace T shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers. He was very good looking, tall and had curly brown hair.

He's obviously bi- racial or "Half caste" as we Nigerians would call it. He's gorgeous, no doubt about that and he's going to be trouble for the girls in our class.

Girls were already planning on how to talk to him, intensely preparing their accents and I'm sure the boys envied him already- he probably posed as a threat to their popularity status.

After a long conversation of whispers, Mr Ajayi gave the boy a warm smile and pat on the back then left the class.

"What's your name?" Miss Ann asked him.

"Justin" he answered smoothly.

Girls swooned and fanned themselves at the sound of his voice, already tripping for his foreign accent. I shook my head. Girls....

Maya, the "school queen" (a.k.a our famous Instagram model and influencer) smoothened and adjusted her already short skirt.

I chuckled.

Anyway, time for my spy check. You can never be too careful.

The operative (me) studied the subject (Justin). The subject seemed calm and walked with confident strides as he went to sit on the empty chair provided for him.

My glasses weren't just normal recommended glasses. They were spy glasses specially customized by the Spanish branch of The Conversion. My mother got it for me when she went on a mission in Spain. It had a microchip where the facial features of wanted criminals were stored so all it needed to do was scan the person to see if the person was a target or not.

My glasses did a quick scan.

Eyes: Brown

Hair colour: Brown

Hair Type: Curly

Skin colour: White

The subject brought out his books and began to take notes. The operative noticed the designer signatures on the subject; Versace t shirt, fashion nova jeans and white Nike's.


Okay then.

I turned away my attention from Justin and focused on the class.

Girls still spoke in hushed tones, planning how to talk to him. I'm sure the popular guys in our school class will try to initiate him too. He looks the part anyway.

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