Chapter 1 :- The First Day

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Gujarat University

On a Monday morning, the university was full with students like on any ordinary day, all of them in their groups, busy with studies , talking, and having fun.

A boy with curly hairs and enchanting greyish green eyes, enough to gain everyone's attention entered the college. He was in his formal wear, a yellow t-shirt and Jeans. His hands in his pockets.

Any guess who it is? Well let me just introduce him, Shiv Malhotra, 3rd year graduation student of B.A, He is new to the university and have recently shifted to the city.

So, Shiv entered the university gate and looked around, being the new student who have just joined the college, in 3rd year, didn't know anyone. He asked few students about Psychology Department Of Arts and started going towards there when he crashed into a well build boy in a black hoodie and winced in pain.

"Ouchh! Bro careful! Your body is more like a stone than human body!" He exclaimed rubbing his forhead.

They boy looked at him with his chocolaty brown eyes, irritation clearly visible on his face and spoke harshly "Whatever!! So what do you have to do with it! And why are you going to gymnastics room!!"

Shiv looked confusingly at him due to his behavior and exclaimed "Gymnastics room! No buddy I am going to Psychology department, but I guess I am lost, can you help me out please"

"Yes sure its on the other side of the campus, but don't you know? We don't have any lecturers today of physoclogy!" The boy questioned him knowing that all students would have got the information by now through there groups.

"I am kind of new here, first day, but how do you know that we don't have any leactuer today? It's the very first day right?" Shiv questioned him back

"It's first day of 3rd year not 1st year, we already got information in our whats app group" the boy replied back rolling his eyes.

"Okay, thanks buddy, by the way Hii, I am Shiv, 3rd year psychology student, and you look irritated, is everything okay? I am sure this isn't your usual behavior" Shiv asked him sensing his mood off

"Yes, just the usual, and I am Karan, 3rd year, core English. But how did you know if anything is wrong or not?" Karan asked him confused by his question as non one has been able to guess him in the first meet.

"Well, benefits of being a psychology student and also understanding human behaviour, and you can share with me if you want too..." Shiv replied back

"Thanks buddy, but I am cool, it's normal for me, had an argument with Dev, anyways, come let's go to canteen, then I will show you around the college, by the way, next class is going to be of Allied, which is your subject for it?" Karan told him, as they started walking towards the canteen

"Allied one or two?" Shiv asked him back as they reached near the canteen

"Allied one" Karan told him

Shiv replied back looking around the place "mine is Geography, what is yours?"

"It's Sociology" Karan told

They both grabbed a table and sat there continuing there casual talk.

They both grabbed a table and sat there continuing there casual talk

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