Chapter 3: I can't think of chapter names-

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Lefty's pov
I wimpored crulling into a ball and cried to my pillow as frankie tried to calm me down..but I didn't want her help because no one will be able to help me with my bruises and scars or well nobody will care if rockstar freddy continued to abuse me or should I say..that BROWN cheater "lefty?" I didn't answer because he told me not to "lefty!" beth tried to get me to answer but don't help at all then I heard someone else coming in I didn't really wanna turn around but I did even if I cried. It was a bear that looked..very tall, had a black sharp hand that can maybe cut someone in half and had a scar oh his chest and eye and he had a jacket.

I wonder why they are here even that bear,  I don't feel like getting up so I stayed there, that bear looked at me in confusion "can I come in?" that won't be a good idea but beth insisted that he'll come in "sure molten you can come in lefty's room" so his name is molten? Not that I'm curious or he came in I wanted to hide myself, what if he is not friendly or something? "cmon lefty I want you to talk!" beth really wants me to talk? My voice is not that special or beautiful, I got up my bed and walked to my desk. Grabbed a pen and paper, as I started writing I heard the front door open but I don't really care about that, beth tapped my shoulder but I yelped in pain a little and that molten guy just stood there trying to know what's wrong.

Oh if I could tell you what rockstar freddy did to me..I would but he told me not to speak so that's fun haha, as I held the paper with shaky hands someone called for beth and molten..I guess it's their time to leave. I put the paper down but beth hugged me very lightly so my body will not hurt and left with that molten guy, frankie left as well leaving me all alone in my room so I closed my door. I heard a knock on the door "son come and eat dinner with us" dinner? Please tell me it's just us and my siblings. I opened the door and walked to the kitchen but apparently they stayed for dinner as well "come sit next to me short bro!" Mari I'm not short I'm just fun sized but okay I guess,  I sat down. "thank you will for coming to visit us" "oh it's not a problem molten just needed fresh air" then we started eating but I didn't eat much because my hands were very shaky.

Molten freddy's pov
As I begin to eat I could see lefty's hands were shaking I didn't know why but I wanna know why more then ever but of course I didn't even get up because my body is used to me being lazy so I just ate my food. I looked around the house and I saw a picture frame but couldn't see everything, so I simply asked "what is that?" "oh! I'm glad you asked. It's a picture of us I can show you  after dinner" alright thank you Henry "okay thank you" I wanted to know more but I saw my dad with a smile I knew he was enjoying me being very curious or just happy that I'm having fun "hey dad you having fun?" he was kinds shocked from my response. "yes I'm having fun watching you have fun"

Time skip-

I wanted to help with the dishes for some reason so i helped after I helped I walked to the picture frame but at the corner of my eye lefty wanted to go back to his room but Henry didn't let him, maybe I can come back another time? Yes I will ask dad after we get home. Then lefty sat down on the couch, he didn't look at me or any of us so I looked at the picture. I saw Henry and the other puppets but lefty..was sad in the picture but I don't really know why and I'm curious "hey lefty?" he didn't look at me or spoke so I simply sat down beside him but he looked away.

He had a lot of scars on his shoulder and some oil coming out of him. "Henry it was very fun we will come visit again" wait it's time to go? It was only 5 pm when we got here and its already 8 pm? Wow time goes fast "haha you can visit any time." well I mean he is right we have work in the morning or well at 9 am I don't check clocks often so that's why, as we got out of the house I waved to lefty but he didn't seem to notice so I just walked out of the house with my sister and my father and I wondered as I got my sit belt on, does he work there too? As I continued to be with my thoughts my sister was texting lefty, I didn't wanna interpret her texting so I looked out the window. "dad?" "yes molten?" I was nervous to ask because my dad maybe will be disappointed or worse "umm can i go back to Henry's place tomorrow?" dad just looked at me from the mirror and smiled "of course you can just try not to break your bike again" I had 3 bikes in my childhood so I can see where he is coming from. "I will try not to dad".

Lefty looks interesting to me, what will his voice sound like? I bet like an angel and he looks cute, adorable all those things but what am I saying? Tomorrow I will go to him and ask him what's wrong.

Scrap baby's pov
As I was texting lefty I heard my dad and molten having a conversation but I worried about lefty so I texted him

Beth: "hey lefty!"

Beth: "lefty? Please answer"

Lefty: "..what..?"

Beth: "finally you answered can you tell me what's happening?"

Lefty: "......"

Lefty: "rockstar freddy told me to not talk to you guys..only to him.."

Beth: "yknow you can go to the police station"

Lefty: "beth..I can't if he knew I'll go there he'll abuse me more and just use me for more money"

Beth: "lefty I just want you to be happy and be careful"

Lefty: "yeah yeah I know..I just can't escape him"

Lefty: "even if I'm in the pizzirea he still tries to hit me"

Beth: "yknow what? Then tomorrow I'll protect you"

Lefty: "...You can try he will just drop you to the ground and go to me"

Beth: "well I can try and succeed so cya tomorrow at work"

Lefty: "...bye..."

And with that I guess I can have my brother there or even make them a thing! Oh yes I'm genius! But I will have to tell frankie the plan, god damn freddy the greedy bear if you touch the bear again you get the stabo from my claw.

He can go to hell.
Or even to jail.

Molten Freddy x Leftyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن