Chapter 2: an interesting visit and who's lefty?

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Scrap baby's pov
My dad told us to get dressed and well of course we did, after that frankie came so we got out of the house and locked it. We got into the car and drove to Henry's house, I don't know why but I have a feeling my brother will do something today or not. Dad stopped the car as soon as he saw Henry's house "here we are get your sit belts off" I got my sit belt off and got out of the car, it has been a whole week since I've seen lefty I hope he is okay. I just hope HE won't be there but I'm only wanting it to be in my thoughts so it'll never happen..or maybe it will? Who knows. My dad knocked on their door it was kinda awkward because at first it looked like no one was home, after the second knock Henry opened.

He smiled and was happy to see us "come on in!" we came in but of course I had to drag frankie with me to lefty's room! As I saw my dad and brother sitting on the couch I got to lefty's room I heard..screaming and punching, again! Me and frankie opened the door to see HIM hitting lefty with a pipe..lefty was with bruises everywhere and his ears was down so I got my phone out and started recording "listen to me now and listen very good! You cannot talk to anyone only me! Do you understand that!?" as rockstar freddy hit him again with the pipe lefty wimpored and nodded but very slow "aham" I tried to get rockstar freddy's attention and it worked as he looked at us "oh umm! I found this pipe out of nowhere! I didn't try anything I swear!" "ha very funny I saw everything and I'm about to get you out of this house" "this isn't your house th- oh will you shut up already you stupid bear that only cares about money"

I was very surprised that frankie said that but I was actually did want to throw him out of the house or just..round house kick him "you are just a stupid frog and an ugly one!" "have you ever looked in a mirror before?" and with that he growled but I growled back at him "frankie stay here with lefty while I'm taking out the trash" she nodded, I grabbed freddy by his shirt and started to drag the bear "dad I'm gonna be back in a minute I just need to do something!" "okay! Just don't get lost!" I nodded and got out of the door

Molten Freddy's pov
I saw my sister get out of the house with a brown bear..I wonder why but I don't really wanna question it at the moment I felt something was wrong but  yknow the edgy teenager that I am I decided that..I will check it out later, my dad came to me and questioned me if I'm having fun so I sighed. He already knows that I didn't have fun "okay if you are not going to encounter anyone by the next few hours I'm getting rid of your video games and hot sauce!" "fine fine!" henry turned to us "you can go to lefty's room he can use some time with viziers" who is this lefty? Beth keeps mentioning him all the time, I decided to give it a try "where is his room?" "right down the hallway" as soon as I get up I saw beth coming back and skating to what I assume is lefty's room? So I followed her.

I just want to know who this lefty is

He can't be that bad right?

*to be continued*

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