Chapter 4 - Confrontation

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POV: Taehyung

Taehyung had realized something was bothering Jungkook but decided he'd trust his boyfriend to come up to him and talk about it when he was ready.

The problem was, he didn't. It had been three or four weeks now; he had watched the younger stay awfully quiet on their walks home, during dinners and cuddle sessions. During music video preparations or rerecordings, Jungkook seemed less focused than usual. After their comeback, they hadn't had much time to talk; nonetheless, Taehyung noticed Junkook wasn't himself.

It wasn't too bad at first, especially with their packed schedules, and he had hoped Jungkook would figure it out, whatever it was. But after their comeback, it had seemingly gotten worse. Jungkook started zoning out during dance practice or group discussions, looking taken aback when asked a question as if his mind had wandered off to neverland.

Their promotions were nearing their end, and their consecutive world tour was coming up, but Jungkook still hadn't improved or come to talk to him. His occasional attempts at getting him to speak had all failed.

It got even worse to the point that Jungkook avoided him. Or so it felt. The younger would brush him off, claiming he had a headache, was tired, or ate too much. And the last one was clearly a lie. Jungkook and overeating simply don't belong in the same sentence.

It was Namjoon who came to him and asked him what was wrong with Jungkook.

"No, I'm sorry I have no idea what's bothering him. I've been waiting for him to figure things out and talk to me, but at this point, I'm starting to get worried," Taehyung replied sadly.

"Yeah, same. It's probably best if you go talk to him later. Otherwise, I'll need to have a more serious chat with him. I need whatever this is, to be resolved by the time we fly to Japan for our first concert.

"Yeah," he responded, unsure how to tell their band leader that he had already tried to talk with Jungkook without success. It hurt. He felt like Jungkook didn't trust him. He knew it was a stupid thought, but somehow it still lingered in the back of his mind. They had known each other for so long, yet Jungkook refused to tell him everything.


It was late at night after a full day of schedules. Everyone headed straight to bed except Taeyhung. He knocked on Jungkooks door and, without waiting for an answer, stepped inside, leaning into the doorframe and crossing his arms, just in case the younger tried to flee through the door.

Jungkook looked up from where he was lying on his bed, pausing whatever he was writing on his notepad and eying him curiously, yet giving him a goofy smile.

Taeyhung struggled to keep a neutral face; this would be a serious conversation and not the time to give in to Jungkook's bunny smiles.

"What?" Jungkook asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Please tell me what's wrong."

"What?" Jungkook repeated, raising his eyebrow.

"You have been creepily silent for the past two weeks now, space out all the time even during important meetings, and have been ignoring me," Taeyhung let out his frustrations trying hard to maintain a gentle yet serious but not harsh tone.

"We've just been so bus-" Junkook started, but Taehyung interrupted him;

"That's not an excuse. We've been busy before, we've have comebacks before, but it's never been like this."


"It hurts, and I can't help but think I have done something wrong, but as much as I try, I can't figure out what I did. Was it your strawberry milk I drank? Because if it is, I am sorry, and I can buy you a new one right now, but you are usually not that petty about small things like that," Taehyung continued.

"No, no, don't worry, you didn't do anything, babe," Jungkook looked into Taehyungs eyes and closed his notebook, realizing this wasn't going to be the quick and easy conversation he expected when his boyfriend knocked. He looked down at his notebook and twiddled his pen. "You're misunderstanding Tae; nothing is bothering me... really."

Taeyhung sighed; this was the answer Junkook had given him before too. A blatant lie.

"Stop playing dumb, Jungkook. I know something is bothering you," Taeyhung said, still maintaining his serious tone. This time he would not let Jungkook escape him. Or at least he hoped he wouldn't. "I have been worried about you for the last few weeks and want to know what happened," he added after Jungkook remained silent.

He could see the wheels turning in Jungkook's brain as he debated whether to tell him or not.

Jungkook sat up.

"Fine. You are right, Tae; something has been on my mind lately," he finally admitted looking down at his hands, still holding the notebook. Taehyung's face relaxed, and he straightened, surprised by how easy this had been, a smile starting to spread on his face.

"But I want to try and solve this myself first." Jungkook interrupted, finally looking up at his boyfriend and abruptly interrupting Taehyung's moment of relief, his growing smile slipping away faster than a waterfall flowing down.

Taeyhung felt frustration build up inside of him. Why did Jungkook have to be so reluctant to get help with his problems? He wanted to grab him by the collar and shake some sense into him, but instead, he settled on a glare.

"I'm sorry, Tae, but this really isn't a big thing, and I just need some time to figure it out. So please give me some time. I promise if I need help, I will come to you," Jungkook continued, knowing Taehyung well enough to know he wouldn't be happy with him rejecting his help.

Indeed, he was unhappy and hoped his crossed arms and scoff would make this apparent. Defeatedly, he agreed, but only under the condition, Jungkook would stop ignoring him from now. "We don't need to be all over each other all the time, and I respect you wanting to have some private time every now and then. But please don't ignore me."

Jungkook awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, "I promise I never meant to ignore you. I just had a lot on my mind." He stood up and walked towards Taehyung, still standing in the doorway, cupped his face, and gently kissed his forehead, Taehyungs skin tingling as the lips brushed his skin, making him forget he was supposed to be angry.


The following night, Taehyung had his first worry-free, deep, relaxed sleep in more than a week, a gentle smile adorning his sleeping face.


Thanks, everyone! Hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions in the comments, and PLEASE don't be a silent reader. Even just a hi in the comments gives us writers so much motivation :)

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