Chapter 3 - Comeback

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NOTE TO ALL MY OLD READERS: Hi, I'm back. I made some changes to the overall story and order of the chapters, so I would HIGHLY recommend going back and reading from chapter 2 onwards. If you are a new reader, you can ignore this lol.



The beginning of May hit them like a plane.

After stressful preparation months, the members devotedly dove into their promotions: talk shows, performances, music shows, live streams, posts, photoshoots, interviews, fan meets, and any other sort of album promotion one can think of.

Good news: their Album seemed to be loved by fans and rapidly climbed the charts. Their music video and fan cams achieved record numbers; overall, everything seemed well, at least on the surface.

The members themselves were exhausted. They were ecstatic. But mentally exhausted. There are only so many hours a human body can stay awake, and running on three hours of sleep for the past three days while counting down the seconds before the camera would start rolling for yet another one of their Idol shows was, technically, not a good idea. He and the other six men waiting oddly quietly next to him quite frankly felt like Captain Jack Sparrow walked: unstable.

But he had to do this. For his fans. For his music. For the other members. And for his paycheck, of course. The second the countdown ended, Jungkook was running high on adrenalin and endorphins. Where his body found the energy and resources for this, after having nothing but a banana and some electrolytes all day, he did not know.

Namjoon walked onto set first, followed by the other members, and finally him, and they started with their usual greeting, "Hello, we are BTS."

It was a mentally exhausting performance to keep up. Having the other members laugh and prance, smiling and laughing when Taehyung chooses Jimin and Hoseok as his Teammates over him. But he was a born performer, so he laughed and joked alongside them when Taehyung pouted because he lost, when Taehyung was hit with a plastic hammer, which really seemed to hurt, when his boyfriend played the pocky challenge with Hoseok, and also when hearing Taehyung laugh and realizing they hadn't had any one on one conversation or they-time since the album release two weeks ago. He even kept up his performance when Jin gave him a subtle pat on the back during one of their three-minute breaks and handed him one of the water bottles.


It was 5 in the morning, and they all agreed to head back to their dorm to at least brush their teeth and get changed before heading to their following schedule; sleep would be taking place in the car. Jungkook, who among Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin had been held back by some questions, hurried to the car, hoping to catch a free spot next to Taehyung for once. But Taehyung had sat in the back between Hoseok and Jimin and was already sleeping soundly on the ladders shoulder before he could even ask. An annoyed puff escaped Jungkook. Jimin, still half awake, looked at him questioningly, but Jungkook just turned away and went for one of the front seats. They were more comfortable anyways.

He rested his window against the window, sleepily watching raindrops chase each other down the windowpane and the neon city pass by. After a day of noise, he appreciated the comparatively silent humming of the car engine and the soft and steady pitter-patter of raindrops tickling his ears. His mind, however, would not calm down, and he lifted his head, catching a glimpse of his sleeping bandmates. They were unwillingly embracing a bumpy car slumber, one after the other; Taehyung already slept like a bear. He always did, everywhere. So did Hoseok. Jimin was still half awake, his head resting tiredly on the back of the car seat, eyes staring into nothingness. Namjoon started a soft snore, somewhat awkwardly hanging in his chair yet miraculously seeming comfortable. Yoongi was staring out the window, unconsciously rubbing his aching shoulder. Jin was nestled between them, slowly attempting to untangle his earphones before settling to keep them knotted and plugging them into his ears. As he looked up, his eyes caught Jungkook's, and he gave him an encouraging smile and mouthed, "sleep." Unconsciously Jungkook smiled back before turning away and attempting to sleep. He glanced outside again but found none. Instead, he watched the streetlights pass by, a familiar, unseeming poster catching his eyes more often than he would like.

It seemed like the world really hated him. These Pride Month posters seemed to haunt him everywhere he looked. They hung on every second street lantern and bulletin board. It was like they were mocking him. Never expected Korea, of all countries, to rub it into his face this much. He hadn't had the chance to read the news or determine the public's reactions and thoughts about this year's pride month. The conservatives might as well get it canceled. Who knows. He doesn't, nor does he have the time or energy to find out.

His thoughts were loud, concerns and preparation about upcoming schedules, worry for their members, but above all, a longing to vanquish his burden, his secrets, and fear of telling his boyfriend. 


Edit: the next chapters are coming later today ;))) I'm just gonna go and eat dinner first. 

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