One Thing After Another

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Gabriel knew Cas was gonna flip the fuck out when he came back. He also knew he probably shouldn't have let this happen. However, Cas had kept Gabriel up with a rant about how he was gonna track John down and murder him.

Well, really, he didn't have to track him down. Because apparently, he was coming there. He'd called Bobby. Luckily, he was not there. Yet. No, instead, one cajun hero was sitting in a chair by the bed, chatting to Gabriel about his work.

Benny did not know who Gabriel was and Gabriel was relieved. He didn't have to deal with the stupid pity. To Benny, Gabriel was just Gabriel and that was all. Apparently, Benny worked on a ship. But he wasn't necessarily a barge worker. According to Benny, he dealt in traded goods without a permit.

Fancy way to say Pirate. At least, Gabriel had taken that from it. He listened intently, nodding along. "My work isn't nearly as interesting. I have two jobs, but I don't work many hours in either."

Benny smiled and nodded. "Still, must be nice livin in one spot, yeah?"

"Oh, definitely. I love my little apartment. And my pets. I don't think I could handle not having a stable home." He nodded, in agreement, and smiled back. "Thanks for hanging out here, by the way. I know you probably don't wanna spend your time off hanging out in a hospital-"

"Oh, it's not a problem, brother. I actually don't have many friends. So it's nice to just sit and chat with someone, for once." He answered, quickly.

Gabriel relaxed. "Oh. Well, I'm glad I could be of service. I understand the want to just chat. I only really have my brother, Dean, and well, I guess Sam, Dean's brother. But that's a little complicated."

"Oh? I always enjoy a story."

Gabriel hesitated. "Well... I had the biggest crush on Sam. When we were young and well, I guess he never noticed. Or cared. And I had to go away for a while and when I came back... He was engaged. He's allowed to be happy and I know he never really felt anything more than platonic towards me but... Sometimes, I just feel like... He stopped wanting to be anywhere near me once I presented. I dunno, I'm pretty sure none of that made sense. My words never quite fall into a neat order."

"It's alright. I think I followed well enough. I get it. Wanting someone you can't have. My ex mate... We had it all planned out. Children, a home. But I took a trip and came back to her in bed with another alpha." Benny sighed, sadly, and looked away, at Dean. Which Gabriel found odd, but lord knows he did "odd" things. So he simply focused on the story.

"I'm sorry... That must have been awful. I can't imagine how much that would hurt. I've never been mated. Well, I am only twenty-two. So I guess that makes sense." He chuckled, a little.

Benny looked surprised. "I thought you were older. You're still practically a teenager! Well, sort of. I'm thirty two." He said, sheepish.

"You don't look thirty!" Gabriel laughed. "Yeah, I'm kinda the baby in my family. Everyone is older than me. Sam is I think twenty-three. And Cas is twenty eight. Kinda a big age difference between us but we were still close. And Dean is twenty seven, I believe. He doesn't talk much about his age. But I think Sam said they were four years apart." He nodded and smiled. "My oldest brother is 30. My dad is, I believe, forty-nine."

Benny choked, "teen dad?"

"Oh, no. We were all adopted." He laughed. "Well, sort of. Some of us were the product of one night stands. Dad's an omega. Though he acts more like a beta." He smiled. "I was adopted. Cas is Dad's bio kid. So is Lucifer, but Michael was also adopted. My sisters were all adopted." He shrugged.

Benny nodded, seeming genuinely interested. "How many siblings do you have?"

"Hmm.." Gabriel counted in his head. Let's see... Hannah, Naomi, Anna, Cas, Michael, Lucifer, Zach, Raph, Gadreel... "Nine. There's ten of us but Dad is currently in the process of adopting two little boys. Twins. Both only 3." He smiled. "They were orphaned, unfortunately. He's just working on getting some rooms set up and then will sign papers and move them in. They're with my Auntie Amara, at the moment."

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