Mud Bros Pt. 2

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Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

When we pull up to the trap, my attitude is worse than before. I'm praying Munch takes a hint and keeps any out-of-the-way comments to himself. If not, I'll probably spazz on him like I should have did earlier.

I climb out of Tory's truck and cross the street to the trap. Simon's sitting outside on the porch when I walk past. If he cared about why I looked so pissed, he didn't ask.

Not that I wanna hear his voice either. He's partially apart of the reason why I can't have what I want. 'Cause although I would never admit it to Tory for fear of it reaching Simon's ears in an argument, I have a stash hidden away for bail money in case he ever gets in a mood to smash cop cars again. He can tell me not to worry about him all day long. He's my brother and I'm gonna make sure he's straight even if it means sacrificing some things I want in the process. Even if it means not hearing so much as 'thanks' for all I do for him and our family.

I push through the front door. I avoid the kitchen altogether since 9 times out of ten, it's where Munch is. Instead, I head straight for the bathroom and lock myself inside.

I fucking hate the patched up work of the ceramic blue tile all around me. I hate that this is where I have to resort to as a hiding place.

I have my own room at home but the last place I wanna be is in the company of the very people I feel is holding me back.

"This is stupid, Candyce," I whisper.

Just yesterday, I was proud of myself for taking the reigns as the head bitch in charge. Now, I'm crying over a car I couldn't really afford anyway.

I sold myself a pretty dream. Now I'm blaming the very people who are the reason I can even think about buying something with that many zeros. If I hadn't had to step up and provide for my family, I never would have moved to selling drugs. If I never ventured down that path, maybe Caesar would have never felt the need to get me my own club.

All I know is, I feel like I'm working overtime to keep the fire from creeping up on our asses. It's to the point where I'm starting to feel like I'm sacrificing my wants, my mental health and my happiness so that my family can have theirs.

The sad truth is, I'll burn in a fire a thousand times if it means keeping my family out of harm's way. Knowing that doesn't make me feel heroic; it makes me feel stupid. So I call up the only person I think would understand.

The phone rings four times before Chantal answers.

"Telly's phone. The prettier sister speaking."

I laugh into the phone.

"Lori?" I ask.

"I told you I'm prettier. Even Candy thinks so," She says.

The next thing I hear is rustling in the background.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Yeah, girl. I called Lori ugly for playing in my makeup without permission and now she asking everybody we know who's cuter," Chantal says.

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