Big Girls Don't Cry

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Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

I sit on the edge of my bed staring down at Caesar's contact information. I'm wondering if I should call him again when I hear the front door open.


I quickly stand to my feet. Maybe he knows where Caesar is. I mean, Caese called to tell me he's leaving. Maybe he talked to Ace too.

I know it's a slim chance since the whole reason Caese is leaving is to avoid facing Ace. But it's not like he was sure that I told him. There's a chance that Caese risked it just to say goodbye.

Either way, I'm done playing the guessing game. I've been doing that all night and it's gotten me nowhere. Caese ain't answering the phone so my best bet is to ask Ace.

I throw open my bedroom door and run downstairs. I pause in the middle of the staircase. The living room is dark but I can make out Ace's silhouette standing near the door.

"Ace?" I call.

He doesnt answer.

I walk down the remaining stairs and flip the light switch on. The living room is instantly bathed in white light.

"What are you—" I start to ask.

Then I notice the blood on his shirt. My heart starts pounding. I glance up at him. He just stares into space.

"Ace!" I yell.

I run over to him. I grab his face and make him look at me.

"You okay?! What happened?!" I ask.

Ace sniffles.

"I'm good," He says.

I inspect his body for bullet holes or stab wounds or anything that would cause this much blood.

"Candyce, I'm good. It's not my blood," Ace says.

I can barely hear him over my own beating heart.

"What?" I ask.

"It's not my blood," He says again.

It takes a second for his words to register. Then I focus on what he's not saying.

If it's not his blood, then whose is it?

I search his face for answers. I zero in on the tear streaks.

My heart drops to my stomach.

"Whose blood is it?" I ask.

Ace opens his mouth to say something then closes it. Fresh tears pour out of his eyes. I take a step back.

"Ace... whose blood is it?" I ask.

"It's-It's—" Ace stutters.

"Ace!" I yell.

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