Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up and changed into something comfortable and put the DX shirt over it and slid my hat on. I walked out to the living room and saw Darry in the kitchen. I walked behind him and hugged him as tight as possible, he turned around and hugged me back. "G'morning sleepy head". He said tipping the brim of my hat over my eyes. I laughed and rubbed chocolate frosting on his nose. I ate some of the cake then hugged Pony and left with Soda to meet up with Steve. We got to his house and Steve was sitting on his front steps with his head in his hands. "Steve..." I said walking up to him. He kept looking down. I kneeled in front of him and lifted his head up. His eye was swollen and purple, I jumped backwards when I saw him. Fury was seizing through me but I held it in and sat next to him crying on his shoulder hugging him. Soda had, had it and burst through the front door. I heard screaming and yelling inside but all I cared about was Steve. "". I said rubbing his arm and placing my head onto his shoulder. " ok". He said rubbing my cheek. "This is getting worse can't stay here". I looked into his eyes when I heard a slam against the front door me and Steve both stood up and bolted towards the door. We opened right as Soda was thrown into a side table next to the couch. Steve ran at his dad knocking him on the floor while I ran over to Soda. He was out cold and had a huge knot on his forehead. "YOU-DAMN-DRUNK-WHAT-IS-WRONG-WITH-YOU". Steve said between punches. I raised Sodas head against the wall and ran over to Steve. "B-baby please st...stop". I said crying and pulling on his shoulder. Steve stopped and stood up, he looked me in the eyes and broke down in tears. "I-im so sorry". He grabbed me and hugged me tight. "Lets go bring Soda home". I said kissing his cheek and rubbing his shoulder. "Y...y-ya". He said standing up and wiping his knuckles off. "Oh...I...L-Let me get something for you". I ran and got a wet towel and dabbed his knuckles, lots of blood came off and it wasn't stopping. "I'm just gonna have Darry stitch you up". I said kissing his hand and pulling him over to Soda. I lifted one of soda arms on to my shoulder and Steve lifted Sodas other arm into his. He had a pretty bad cut on his head and I think a laceration on his back it must of happened when he hit the table, it was bleeding through his shirt. His feet were dragging which didn't make this any easier I felt bad because Steve was taking most of the weight but it didn't seem to mind him. "Jeez *hmph* soda don't look *hmph* this heavy". He said lifting Soda higher over his neck. "I'll take some slack". I said pulling more of his weight up. We finally made it back to my house. Steve held Soda while I opened the door. "DARRY!" I yelled grabbing sodas left side again and helping pull him over to the couch laying him down. "What"! Darry said bolting down the hallway still buttoning his shirt. "Holy shit!" Darry ran over to Soda and kneeled down. I ran to get the first aid kit and came back in to give it to Darry. "What the hell happened here". Darry said patching up Soda. "So-Soda lost it when he saw was Steve's father did to him...but his father just attacked Soda to". I said my voice cracking. "I had no idea they would fight". Steve's voice trailed off as he put his head in his hands. "This is all my fault I shouldn't of pissed the old man off". Steve said rubbing his neck. "Holy crap Steve he did that to you". Darry said standing up looking at Steve's face. "Don't worry Steve took care of him...your gonna have to patch up his knuckles". I said, raising one of Steve's hands up to Darrys face. "I see". He said pushing his hand down. "Lemme finish soda up then I'll patch you up, your staying with us for a while". Darry said going back down. I was overjoyed to hear that...Steve couldn't be home it wasn't safe. I hugged Steve and went to get a soda from the kitchen. "Oh and you're gonna have to stitch a spot on his back...he got chucked into a table". I said coming out of the kitchen. "Damn he got messed up". Darry said stitching sodas forehead. I went into my room and changed out of my uniform. "Hey...y/n". Steve said in the doorway. I nearly had a heart attack. "Jesus Steve". I said buttoning up my flannel. "Sorry, I wish we could just have one day where someone's not getting jumped or beat half to death". He said coming over and kissing my cheek before sitting down. "Me and you both mister". I said coming up next to him. "I-I don't wanna fight anymore". He said looking up at me. "I don't wanna hurt people no more...cause people like Soda get hurt for it". He said rubbing his face. "Steve...what happened that made this all go down, you wouldn't hurt a fly". I said sitting on his lap. He started messing with my hair. "I can't tell you". He said looking into my eyes. "Cmon Steve you tell me everything". I said confused. "Well not this time". He picked me up bridal style and carried me out to the living room sitting me down on a chair while Darry stitched up sodas back. "He gonna be ok right". I said to Darry. "Ya just a little sore". He said cleaning off the needle and laying it back into the box. I looked at Steve he was deep in thought and messing with his really concerned me...

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