Chapter Six

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The court trial finally came I'd never been so nervous. "Miss Curtis how did the night plan out before you were attacked". The judge looked at me it's like she was staring into my soul. "It-I-W-". I couldn't form a sentence. "I don't quite remember the night kind of slipped from my mind". I can't believe I just lied to a judge. "Well then Mr. Johnson how did the night play out before you attacked Miss. Curtis". The judge looked at him with a less stern look but still aggressive. "W-well uh-uhm". He ran his finger around the inside of the collar of his shirt he had sweat on his brow. "Their w-was a miss communication we-well I thought th-they were was just a comb". He was wiping his brow, I guess I'm not the only one who lied. "So it was self defense". One of the socs behind him keyed in. "Your honor may i speak". Steve spoke up. "Granted". She turned to face him. "Well you see your honor, none of us had anything of the sort on us we were all just at the park, Y/N was resting on a tree when this Soc came up and stabbed her with his blade". Steve completely glazed over the point of the rumble but nobody spoke up if anybody said a thing about the rumble we'd all be in the slammer. "I see and do you have any witnesses". She looking into his soul. "We-well y-yes your honor all of us we were all there". He said he was starting to sweat. "Your honor he's telling the truth". The soc stood up. We all looked at him with surprise. "Well then Mr. Johnson you'll be seeing yourself 5 years for pleading guilty to aggravated assault". She hit the gavel and we all arose in happiness. "Oh my god Y/N we did it"! Steve grabbed me and hugged me as tight as possible all the others coming in for a group hug. "Well let's hit the dingo to celebrate". Dallas said from the background. "Oh no...I think I'm ok I just really want to go home and rest, can you guys bring me back some fries"? I asked rubbing my arms. "Ah dont worry I'll walk her home". Steve said putting his arm on my shoulder. We turned to leave and spilt ways once we got outside.
5 minutes later
Steve must have noticed the look on my face. "What's the matter". He said wrapping his arm around me and rubbing my arm. "I just- he threw his whole life away to save me from getting in trouble". I said looking down. "Aw hes a Soc dont sweat it he prolly paid to get five days insteada five years". He said laughing. "Well you know what maybe not everybody is who you think they are". I picked his arm off my shoulder and walked off, he stood there kind of dazed. I walked off and slammed the front door and walked into my bedroom and laying down to relax it felt good to be there no hospital smell and nice quilted sheets. I heard the front door open a couple minutes after and someone knocked on my bedroom door, I didn't answer. Steve still opened it though. "Y/N you know that's not what I meant". He came over to my bed. "Hey, You dropped something". He set the blue teddy bear in front of me and rubbed his hand up and down my arm. "But you know I understand, you aren't in the mood to talk. I'll...give you your space". I could hear he started tearing up at the end. "I rolled over squeezing the teddy bear and pulled him close kissing him slowly. He hugged my waist and we kissed for what felt like forever. "Y/N...I'". He said between kisses. "Don't be, I overreacted I guess it just felt weird having a Soc stand up for me especially something like that". I said pulling away to look him in the eyes. It only lasted a few seconds before he started kissing on my neck. Just then I heard the front door open I pushed him off and dashed for the bathroom. I saw it hickeys not light, deep dark purple. I was screwed if Darry sees this not only will he skin me but he'll kill Steve. "Shit". I said under my breath I scattered my makeup everywhere grabbing everything I could to cover them up. After I was satisfied enough they weren't visible I slid back into my room to put one of Sodas old flannels on and slipped out into the living room. Soda was talking with Steve in the corner and Darry and the rest of them were laughing in the kitchen...god if I find out Soda knows I'm gonna kill Steve. "Aye the woman of the hour". Darry said pulling me into the kitchen. "There's the fries you asked for". Dally walked over to set them infront of me, looking me up and down then walking over to Soda and Steve. "God is it that noticeable". I said under my breathe. "Whats that sweets". Two said sitting down at the table. "Oh nothing Keith". I winked and he stole one of my fries just to throw it at me. "Hey"! I yelled lunging at him over the table. "Watch it you still have a couple of stitches". Darry said grabbing my shoulder to sit me down. I finished my fries and sat their listening to everybody talk. Steve and Soda were still talking and Dally was starring at me in the corner. He always had a staring problem but now he looked like he was observing. He walked over to me while everybody was busy. "Get up, let's go". He whispered in my ear. "Where are you taking me". I said smirking. "To the front porch weirdo, get up". He said squeezing my shoulder as he walked out the door. I followed him outside and he pulled me over to the side. "What the hell is this". He said pulling on my flannel and dropping it, rubbing makeup off my chest. "It's nothing ever heard of a bruise". I said smacking his hand. "Ya that's not a damn bruise you know I know that". He wiped more of the makeup off and I smacked his hand back even harder this time. "Ow! Who did this". He looked into my eyes. "Nobody of your damn concern". I walked off I wasn't going back inside when you could see the hickeys. "Your not going anywhere if anything button up your flannel to cover your chest". He said grabbing my arm to pull me back inside. Of course I didn't think of that. I rolled my eyes at him, buttoned it up, and walked inside bumping into his shoulder on my way in. Me and Steve sat and spoke on the couch for a while and I just tried to push everything behind me. Everybody finally went home including Steve and I went to get ready for bed. I told Pony, Soda, and Darry goodnight and changed so I didn't have to face them with these hickeys. I cuddled up in my blanket when I heard the door open. "Y/n". I turned whipping myself around wrapping the top of my chest in a blanket. "Dear god Soda learn to knock". I said sitting up. "Steve told me". He said putting his hands in his pockets and walking over. "Soda you say a thing to Darry and your the next one in the hospital." "Trust me I won't say a word" he pat me on the shoulder and stood up. "Hurt him I hurt you". He laughed and closed the door. I finally fell asleep I just hope these are gone by morning.

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