Chapter Fourteen

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"You coming". Steve said as he turned the corner coming up to Mr Johnson car. "Nah I'll be here a little longer he's got a faulty EGR valve and a dead battery but I can't get the damn thing to recharge". I said taking off my gloves. "You could probably use this". He said pulling up the jumper cables. "Dang I checked everywhere for those". I said laughing and taking them. "I'll only be a couple minutes late you should stop by my house so they don't get suspicious.'' He nodded and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll cya later honey". I said blowing a kiss and getting back to work jumping the car and replacing the EGR valve. I finished up and closed down shop, I took the long way back home...and not Steve's home.

5 minutes later

I made it to the front step and I heard talking, I peeked through the window and saw Dallas pacing, Darry with his head in his hands, Soda was just standing in the corner, Steve was talking with Soda, Johnny was sitting on the couch with Pony crying on his shoulder, and Two was against the wall with his head in his hands. I can't believe I've caused this many rifts. I slowly opened the door making no noise, Two was the only one that looked up. "HOLY-." Two stood up and bolted towards me grabbing me and hugging me. "Jesus y/n where in the hell have you been". I could tell he was crying and I hugged him back. Pony ran over with Johnny and squeezed me super tight joining in with Two. I grabbed both Pony and Johnny's shirts while hugging them. They all let go and I grabbed Pony and squeezed him tighter than I ever have before and I don't think he minded. He balled into my shoulder, I pulled him away. "I ain't ever gonna leave you again". I said holding onto his shoulders and looking him in the eyes. I turned and hugged Johnny then wiped his eyes where they were tearing up again. "Or you JohnnyCakes". I gave him a quick hug and walked inside. Dallas ran over and picked me up then hugged me. "You ain't ever gonna do this again promise" he was squeezing the back of my DX shirt. "I promise Dal, I promise". I hugged his neck then walked over to Darry. "I'm not your damn puppet". I looked him in the eyes and I could see him starting to cry. I didn't care I pushed past him into my room hanging up my DX shirt and hat, and sat on my bed I rolled over shoving my face into the pillow and let out some tears. "Y-y-y/n..*clears throat* we need to talk". I could recognize Darrys voice as he came over and sat on the bed. He started rubbing my back like he used to do when I was younger it felt nice. "I'm...I'm so sorry...I've messed up a lot lately, I guess your right I was trying to live the life I wanted fo-for myself". His voice semi cracked. "And I-I-I'm very sorry that I'm not supportive of your choices...I...I just want you to be hap-happy". He said continuing to rub my back. I flung myself up and hugged him. "I...I...i am happy". I was squeezing him really tight and he was squeezing me back. "But no matter how hard I try I don't get nothing but attacked when I'm at school". I started crying and I curled up in his arms on his lap and he started rubbing my back again something he always did to calm me down when I was younger. "But I don't know so-something about the DX makes m-me feel s-so free like I'm accom-accomplishing something". He stopped rubbing my back and pushed the hair out of my face I had my arms wrapped around his neck and he was holding me like a baby. "I understand, how bout a compromise you try a week of working at the DX no school if you can do that I'll let you think about dropping out...". I know it hurts him to say that but it felt really good that he cared enough to say it. "I'm sorry Darry...your the best big brother ever". I said hugging him as he set me back down on my bed. All the crying tore me apart and I covered up, Darry turned the lights off and I slowly fell asleep. I was so happy to be home to be be free.

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