"Aye you two, cut it out! Don't make me call your parents," Ito-sensei scolded them. At that, they shut their mouths for the rest of the way to our bus.

We finally made it to our designated van that will escort us to a rented dorm that our school has respectfully paid for. After everyone got in, we all comfortably take our seats before the van began to drive onto the busy streets. 

During the ride, I couldn't help but to admire all the buildings and all the different people I see. It was quite similar to how things run in Japan. People rushing to get to work, drivers constantly honking at the traffic, and just others who wants to walk around the city. 

"Yo," I feel Kaori tapping my arm, I turned to look at her. She looks out the same window I was looking at with a giddy expression. "They look kinda hot," she pointed out the window, I glanced to where she was pointing to which was a group of boys, maybe high school students, skating on the sidewalk.

I half-heartedly chuckled, "Kaori come on," I smiled at her amusingly. "What?" she puckered her lips like a duck, "you just got out of a relationship and already you're simping for strangers," I laughed at her as she looked somewhat offended. 

"Well I heard American boys hit different, so why not," she giggled and I just rolled my eyes at her. "Go ahead then, I won't stop you," I winked at her making her giggle again.

I spot Sasori looking at us with a disgusted expression, probably to his sister, and Tobi who just looked amused.

Jin-neesan was sleeping heavily at the very front, can't blame her since sleeping on a plane is honestly the most uncomfortable thing in the world. 

Then there was our loveable sensei who was dosing off a little and trying not to fall asleep. But in the end he gave in to his exhaustion. 

Too bad for him though because we just arrived at our dorm. 

I didn't even noticed it took us almost 30 minutes to get here. We headed out the van thanking the driver by bowing respectfully for his service. He looked very flattered at our politeness like he's never been given respect before. 

We watched the van leave as I turned around and-- Holy Buddha why does this place looks so high end?! Did we get dropped off the wrong location or....

Well we are going to a private school so that kinda explains the fancy looking building. And from what I've heard this private school was specifically built for supernatural creatures like us.

I noticed everyone was gawking at the luxurious building we'll be staying in for a whole year, whew this trip is turning out to be so far so good. 

After gazing at the place for what felt like hours, we all headed inside while dragging our belongings behind us. We stood at the entrance taking in what seems to be the lobby of this place. I'm starting to assume this dorm is actually a hotel.

Just like from the outside, the interior of this place did not disappoint at all. It was equally as elegant looking  from both the inside and outside. Ito-sensei told us to keep moving until we reached a man wearing what seems to be business clothes. 

So this is actually a hotel and he is probably the receptionist. 

"Welcome! I'm Mr. Murphy, principle of Grand Ridge Academy," remember what I said about him being a receptionist, yeah, forget I said that. The principle introduced himself in English, thankfully we understood clearly. Those years of struggling in English class actually went to good use.

Mr. Murphy approached us with a warm smile on his face, as he politely shook hands with our teacher. "Mr. Ito, but my students call me sensei," Ito-sensei told him. "Glad to have you all here," the principle said, studying all of our faces. 

But once his eyes landed on me, I could've sworn his smile, twitched? I'm probably too tired that I might've imagined it. 

"We greatly appreciate you for having us here, and giving these students the opportunity to learn at your school," our sensei said before we all bowed in gratitude towards the principle.

"Please, the pleasure is mine sir," he nodded his head to us, but is it me or his smile doesn't look welcoming as it did to when we first saw him?

Mr. Murphy then takes out a paper and hands it to Ito-sensei. "This is just a brief summary about our school and its rules, followed by our dorm rooms as well," he said before taking out six key cards, "and here are your keys to the rooms you'll be staying in. Feel free to ask the lady over there by the counter if you need your cards duplicated. That way you all won't have to share just one key. 

"Unfortunately I can't stay long to get to know you all first, I have important matters to attend to. But, I will have someone accompany you all tomorrow and show you around the campus. Another than that, I hope you enjoy your stay here, slán," with that said he waved to us goodbye and left. 

"What does that mean?" Tobi asked sensei, "I don't know, I'm too tired to think," Ito-sensei yawned which caused us all to snicker. 

"Anyway," sensei turned to look back at us, eyeing his watch for a bit, "it's only 11 A.M. right now, gives us a couple of hours to rest and unpack. We'll be heading out at five to explore the city for a bit, return here at seven to meet up with the rest of the exchange students, and head to bed before ten tonight. Everyone got that," "HAI!"

After explaining us our schedule for today, Ito-sensei led us to our dorms. He handed each of us our own keys before telling us that he would be in the room right across from ours.

"Sweet we got the place just for the five of us," Tobi proclaimed with excitement. "Alright bunny, calm down now," Sasori said as he placed a light kiss on Tobi's head. 

Neesan unlocked the door and opened it as we all got inside. We stopped dead in our tracks once we were all in, I could've sworn I just heard someone dropped their luggage.

My mouth gaped at the look of this huge place, a kitchen with a mini island to our left, a small storage room where we could place our shoes was placed to our right. The living room took up almost all of the spacious interior, and it was kept clean and tidy. 

There was two hallways on each side of the dorm. One leads to two bedrooms with a bathroom in between them. And the other hallway leads to a master bedroom with its own bathroom, plus a walk-in closet that was connected to it. 

"I call the master bedroom," Jin-neesan said, as she instantly grabbed all her things and booked into the right hallway where the main bedroom was. 

"Aww men..." Tobi pouted, "It's alright babe, we can take the other room at the end of the other hallway," Sasori led him by the waist. 

"Don't make too much noise now," Kaori called out teasingly, "fuck off," was the only response she got from her brother which caused us both to laugh. 

"So I guess we get the last room huh," I said, "hm, that's fine. As long as I get to sleep with my bestie instead of my tank snoring brother," Kaori said and we both laughed again.

"Welp, we better go unpack then and take a little nap. Gotta stick to sensei's schedule anyways," I told her as I grabbed by luggage and carrier. "Oh please, I bet if he wasn't given strict orders from our principle then he'd probably make us sleep in for the whole day," she said. "Heh, you're right."

We head inside our rooms to unpack all our things before taking turns to use the bathroom once were done. After the quick freshened up, the two of us changed into our sleeping clothes for now.

There were two twin beds in the room, but Kaori suggested we pushed them together since she doesn't have anything to cuddle while she sleeps. I only chuckled at her antics but did it anyway since I too, like to cuddle in my sleep. 

We tucked ourselves under our own blankets as we both get a good shut eye. Just a quick nap before we can continue on with our day......

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦Where stories live. Discover now