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[note : the italics are namjoon's thoughts okay?? just clearing up to avoid confusions]


I slammed my locker shut and proceeded my way to the cafeteria.
I have a 2 hours break so, I'm just going to grab a snack and go to the library to spend time reading.

As I made my way to the long-ass line, I felt someone tapped me in my back.

I turned around and I was greeted by the girl yesterday,


"— and by the way, do want to watch with me?"

fuck no. not today, satan.

"What?" I snapped at her and glared suspiciously that made her smile widely,

what in tarnation???

"Sooooo, what's your name? I'm Fuka!" her smile isn't disappearing while introducing herself,

Is she always happy like this ??? what the hell yo !

"Why do you want to know?" I clicked my tongue and turned my body to the line instead, not paying any attention to te girl behind me,

As it was my turn on the counter, I ask the lady for a cheesecake.
I paid for my food and was about to waddle away to the cafeteria when a voice called me out,

"Hey, dimple! Wait for me!" the girl – Fuka as she introduced herself awhile ago, called out to me,

I gave her a glare and mouthed, "Bitch what???"

She successfully got her food and made her way towards me, of course, while smiling, again.

"Come on! Lets hang!" she grabbend my arm to the exit, while I'm still letting her words sinks in.

As realization hits me, I stopped and yanks my arm away from her.

"Where the fuckity fuck are you taking me? did I even agree to hang with you? No? So, bye bye!" she pouted and I gave her a final look and made my way to the fucking library.

Time is ticking and I want to have some peace for once and this girl – Fuka, suddenly popped out of nowhere and started dragging me to god-knows-where!

We're not even friends! She's so weird.

I opened the door of the library and scanned for a vacant table.

I sat down and took out my book on my bag, I opened my container of cheesecake and started to read while eating.

I was about to have my second bite, when someone sat infront of me. I stopped reading and I choked on my spit because Fuka was infront of me and started eating her cake.

"Hey! I was looking for you, and you were here all along." she sips her banana milk while looking at me like nothing happened.

I took a breath and said,
"Okay, first of all what are you doing here? And second, why are you suddenly following me and bothering me?" I questioned her and put my spoon down and closed the book I was reading.

Fuka — the girl laughed for like an eternity. She stopped and deadass looked at me in the eye without any emotions in her face and said,

"Well, I'm here because you might have a big mouth and start spreading shit about what you saw yesterday in math class. So, incase that happens, I'm just going to kill you here and toss your body in the lake and I'll have no problem anymore!"

I gasped,
kill me?
t-toss my body afterwards?
hOly sHit??? like i still have 5 sons to feed and—?????

"Hey dimple, I was just kidding! Why are you staring at me like that, like I just killed your dog." She laughed and pushed me slightly in the shoulder,

"Well the first one was not a joke but the killing part is totally a joke so, you okay?" she added reassuring me.

"W-well Fuka, you shouldn't joke like that! My God! And stop bothering me now, okay? I won't spread shit about you, I don't give a fuck and I don't give a shit, okay?" I sighed and threw my book inside my bag and took my cheesecake away from Fuka.

"Hey! You're not saying your name yet!" she scoffed and crossed her arms,

"Namjoon, Kim Namjoon." I said,

"Cool name! And what's your number baby boy?" she smirked at me,

gotta zayn, tao, luhan and kris.

"I'm calling the police, bye." And I was gone from her sight.

did you ever feel like you want to snuggle against namjoon and poke his dimple like that would be gOals lmao byE

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