Mission 6 (Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) just nods at me before she moves her head closed to my chest before she starts to snuggle on my chest before I was able to get us to the other side. I looked at (Y/n) before telling her, "It's okay." I said to (Y/n) with a calm tone in my voice. (Y/n) looked at me before I noticed one of her hands lower down to my pants but before she could put her hands inside of my pants. We hear noises before we look up to see demons coming towards us, "Damnit! This is getting good!" I yelled out with a smug on my face.

(Y/n) got her weapons out and started fighting the demons, while I was using my sword to get some good slashes at the demons before I realized that we didn't have to kill demons right now, so I pick (Y/n) back up before I started running back towards the room, "Dante. What about the demons?" (Y/n) ask me. I look at (Y/n) before telling her, "We don't have time to deal with them." I said to (Y/n). (Y/n) looks at me before she nods her head at me before I was able to get us back to the room that has three stairs.

Once we were back in the room, we needed to get one more piece left, "Two down, one more to go." I said to (Y/n). (Y/n) looks at me before she nods her head at me before we started walking to the last stairs and we noticed the wheel that we need to slashed our swords to get it to work and of course we had to deal with a bunch of demons, "Crap." (Y/n) muttered out to herself. The third room was hard because we were so lost till we were able to get the last piece, "I thought, we were never going to get this piece." (Y/n) said to me with a small smile on her face. I look at (Y/n) before telling her, "Shit. Same here. I thought we were never going to get that last piece." I said to (Y/n).

So, we were done getting the pieces for the statue and there was a light beam that destroyed the pile of rocks and we were able to go to the other side of the room. (Y/n) opens the door in some room, "We are almost there Dante." (Y/n) said to me in a nervous tone in her voice. I look at (Y/n) before telling her, "Yeah, we are almost there." I said to (Y/n). (Y/n) looks at me before she grabs my arm, "Dante, are you sure you are ready for your brother?" (Y/n) ask me. I'll look at (Y/n) before telling her, "To tell the truth (Y/n). I don't know if I am ready to face my twin brother again. The last time I saw him was last year." I said to (Y/n).

(Y/n) looks at me before I see her move her hand towards my cheek before she touches it before she tells me, "Just be careful." (Y/n) said to me in a worried tone. I look at (Y/n) before telling her, "I should be the one telling you that." I said to (Y/n) with a smug look on my face. (Y/n) moves her hand down before I use my hand to grab her hand before putting it closer to my face again. (Y/n) looks at me before she smiles at me. (Y/n) looks at me before she slowly lowers her hand down off of my face before we look at the room to see stairs going up, so we started walking up the stairs.

(Y/n)'s POV

Me and Dante were walking upstairs and we saw a little kind of a view point and it looked really nice, well, besides the little damage. Dante was looking around, while I was staring at the view that is really nice out there. Dante must've noticed that I was not with him because he was walking closer to me, "Like the view?" Dante ask me. I didn't move because the view was very nice and I didn't want to move at all, "Yes, even though we got something to do. I just want to look at the nice view before we go back to what we are doing." I said to Dante.

Dante grabs my hand before I noticed him looking up at the sky and we noticed a woman was falling down to her death so Dante grabbed her ankle and I helped out to because we couldn't let her fall down. Me and Dante made sure that we grabbed her ankle, but before I could say anything to her, she pulled out her gun at us. Dante noticed the woman pointing her guns at us, but he noticed the woman was looking at me with a death glare on her face. Dante looks at the woman before he tells her, "Don't even think about it." Dante says to the woman with a piss off tone in his voice. The woman looks at me one more time before she looks at Dante with the same glare on her face.

The woman looks at Dante before she tells us, "Let me go!" She yelled at us. Me and Dante didn't listen to her, "Let you go?" Me and Dante ask the woman with a confused voice. I look at the woman before telling her, "No way. I want no more death. I am sick of dying people." I said to the woman with a serious tone in my voice. The woman looks at me but before she could fire her gun at me. Dante pulls me away from the woman and he ends up getting shot in the head. Dante let's go of her. I noticed the woman was falling down, but I race towards to Dante to check up on him and he was alright, but he decided to check on that strange woman that we ran into earlier.

Dante was pissed at her for trying to shoot me in the head, but Dante took the shot in the head, "What hell was that for?! Here we are trying to help you, and you show your thanks by shooting me and also trying to shoot my girlfriend?!" Dante yells out to the woman in a piss off tone. The woman looked at us but before she could shoot me. Dante pulls me closer to his chest before he uses his hand to make my head closer to his chest.

The strange woman with her white top, skirt, and red boots looks at us before she shoots at Dante again. I thought the bullet was going to go in my head but it didn't, so I looked up to see Dante have the bullet in his mouth like he caught it, 'Now that is cool.' I said to myself in my head. Dante looks at the woman before he spits the bullet out of his mouth before he tells the woman, "Whatever, do as you please. Don't even try to fire your gun at my girlfriend here if you're wondering, she is human like you." Dante says to the strange woman. Dante pulls me away from the strange woman, "Are you okay?" I ask Dante. Dante looks at me before he tells me, "Yeah. I am okay, but what about you? She almost shot you?" Dante ask me.

I look at Dante before telling him, "I am okay. I was not expecting that at all." I said to Dante with a confused tone in my voice. Dante pulls me closer to his chest again before he kisses my forehead, "I love you, (Y/n)." Dante says to me. I'll blushed because I don't remember if Dante said those three lines to me yet, but if he did because I don't remember at all, "I... I--love you to." I said to Dante with a small smile on my face. Dante plays with my (h/c) hair before we started walking away from the edge.

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