Chapter Twenty one: I/You

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Kaylib P.O.V.

I arrive at the police department and ask to see Tyler and my former colleagues give me a odd but escort me to his window.

"Thanks for coming to see me" Tyler tells me. " So why did you call me here" I ask him.

I notice that his arms are handcuffed to his chair. "Adelina uncuff him his no animal" I commend her and she tells me that Demetrius told her to cuff her.

"well Demetrius is not here so UNCUFF Him THE FUCK UP" I yell and she immediately uncuffs him and leaves us alone.

"Thanks but you didnt have to do alla that" Tyler says.

"I know but I really want to touch you so bad" I say intertwining our fingers.

"So I have something to tell you Tyler" I say.

"Okay, what is it" he asks me.

" I lied to you about why I was came back to New York" I tell him.

"I know I always knew that you was lying to me" he says.

My heart starts beating really fast because  I am having all these thoughts about why he called me if he knows that I was a cop all this time.

"So why did you call me here" if you know that I have been lying why'd you call me here" I ask him.

he chuckles. He continues to squeeze my hands tightly.

"Because even though I knew you let your heart betray the real purpose you were brought here" Tyler tells me.

"So what was your plan" I ask him.

"My plan is to get you to help me get out of here Kaylib" Tyler tells me.

"I cant do that Tyler, I dont work here anymore" I tell him. "Kaylib, danger,trevor are single dads and have children" Tyler says.

"Don't think about me think about what will happen to those children if thier dads went to jail" Tyler continues and tears are failings down his face

"The government will put them in the system" I tell him wiping the tears.

"I don't want those children to grow resentful to thier dads because of white I made them do" Tyler rants.

"I am just asking that you get rid of evidence pointing to danger and Trevor, forget about me. I will do my time but they got kids" Tyler says crying.

"Okay I will do it, but I will fey rid of any evidence pointing to you too and we will run away together" I tell him.

"Okay but be careful baby and we will run away so far that they cant find us" he says.

before I could kiss him the door opened and it was Adelina come in to tell us that our time is up.

I walk out of the visitors room and my heart is torn into doing what's right and saving the man I love.

"Hey Kaylib what's good" Demetrius days walking towards me  with Ramonna.

I am fine just came to get the rest of "my stuff from my office" I tell them. Where  are the things" Ramona asks me. "Look I need to go it was great seeing you two" I tell them leaving the police department.

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