Chapter Six.

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Kaylib P.O.V

Last night I had so much fun. I hadn't had so much in so long and talking to Tyler was fun and I completely forgot that I was on an under cover investigation. Talking about last night.

I new that I was in so much trouble with Demetrius and I couldn't come up with a good excuse to tell Demetrius why I deactivated the wire.

Also a lie wasnt going to be possible because I know they heard me when I called Tyler's name when he entered the bathroom.

As the police department came into view my heart began pounding and he parked his car in his designated parking lot.

As I enter the building I greet the cleaning staff and I was happy when I did not find Demetrius waiting for me in my office.

I walked to the window and I looked over at the view and I was taking in the beauty and I heard my door open. "Demetrius wants to see you in his office" I heard Ramonna. "I will be there now now" I said to her.

she was suddenly standing next to me "this view is spectacular" she says inhaling. "So spectacular" I mimicked her and i inhaled. "What actually happened after Tyler entered" She asked me.

"Actually lets go to Demetrius,s office I want to find out when does" she said strutting out of my office.

A slight smile appeared on my face.

We finally made it to Demetrius,s office and he was looking down at his laptop and he was wearing glasses and he looked so sexy.

My dick instantly got hard and when he looked up and took off his glasses and I looked into his eyes and we both looked into each others. "Sit" he said and both me and Ramonna sat down.

"So you Mr interpol decided to deactivate the wire when you were in close proximity with our suspect" he yelled .

"I can explain" I said nervously "Oh...please enlighten us" he said tapping the table. I was thinking about telling a lie but then I just decided to tell the truth.

"I am sorry that I didn't tell you guys before" I told them looking down at the fingers. "Start talking Johanson" Tyler semi yelled annoyed.

"So I actually have a history with Tyler Raymond and our history dates back fifteen years back" I said and I heard Demetrius cursing under his breath.

"So when he walked in to the bathroom I knew that he was obviously going to recognize me the moment we saw each other."

"I didn't tell you guys because I wanted to take my chances with it and I had hoped that he wasnt going to remember me." I told them looking at both of them.

Ramonna was so surprised that her mouth was agape and as for Demetrius I couldn't tell his reaction because he had a stright face.

the room was in heavy silence so I decided to stand up but then Demetrius sternly told me to sit down hitting his fist on his table.

"So you not only risked your life you put this investigation in jeopardy and did at any point you tell him that you were working for the NYPD" I asked me.

"No I told him that I am a blogger from E-news". "Do you think that he believed" he asked me."yeah he believed I am certain." I told Demetrius.

"Tyler is not stupid I think that he is going to either dig in why you are back or he already knows that you are a cops"Ramonna says.

"I am going to need you to lay off for a while and take a back seat in this case since you and Mr Raymond have a romantic history" Tyler said and my heart broke because I was invested in it this case".

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