Chapter Eighteen

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Kaylib P.O.V.

"Hey Ramonna the future super model what's going on" I answer her jogging up the block.

"yeah soon you will be paying to talk to me." she tells me.

"You are mad fucked up I hooked you up with my sister" I tell her and she just laughs

"Hey so I have information on the name you asked me to run a few weeks ago" she says.

"Why am I only getting the information now" I ask her drinking water.

"Well he wasn't arrested by the NYPD but by the FBI so that shit takes much longer" she tells me.

"but anyway do you want me to email you the information or should I just tell you" she says.

"tell me and also email me " I tell her as I take a seat on the park bench.

"So Jerry was convicted for life in prison" she tells me. "On which charges" I ask her 

"Murder,Possession of illegal arms and drug dealing" She tells me.

"All of that and how long did he get in jail again" I ask her.

"He initially got fifty years but then his legal team made a deal with the prosecution and he got thirty five years" she tells me.

"Any family history or trace " I ask her." Well it says a son and daughter but no names are given" she tells me.

"thanks Ramonna,see you soon" I tell her jogging back to apartment

My mind kept going back to the fact that he has a daughter that was new information that I didn't know because as far as I know Jerry only had a daughter.

I got home and checked if my sister was home as like like I thought she was not home. I wanted to let Tyler know that his former best friend is out of jail but I didn't know how I was going to explain how I found out.

"Hey can we meet up for brunch" I called Tyler asking him if we can meet up for lunch and Tyler agrees to the meeting.

Kaylib prints the information that Ramonna sent him about Jeremiah and puts it in a brown envelope and decides that on his way to the club he will drop the envelope at the house.

Tyler P.O.V.

I had just finished getting dressed for my meeting with Trevor so we could talk about our friend who I snitched on possibly being out and also the date of the sale of the drugs that the Asians want.

I got in my car and drove to the club. A few minutes after leaving my house I got a call from kaylib asking me of we could meet up for brunch and i agreed.

obviously because i want to tell him about the divorce and that I want us to go public with our relationship soon after the divorce has been finalized.

I arrive at the club and make my way to the bar where Trevor was sitting and he looked out of it. "Are you cool" I ask him and he snaps out of it.

"Nah I ain't cool, I saw a human hand with your fucken initials on it" he whisper yells.

"Calm down my house was trashed and I am not acting like a three year old girl who's barbie doll has been burned" I tell him.

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