"when is the show" he asks me.

"Ckme to think about she didn't tell me which day she is showcasing" I tell him.

"You should ask her" he says.

"I was going to but anywho I am out bye" I tell him exiting his office and getting into my car and driving to the gym.

I met up with my trainer and we did our regular workout session and I was there for two hours and we spoke about changing my diet and my eating habits.

"great session, I wont be around for two weeks my sister Ariya is getting hitched" my trainer Devon tells me.

"oh cool where's the wedding happening" I ask him

"Paris, she is marrying some prince of a small nation in Europe and they are paying for the whole thing" he tells me as we go to the bathrooms.

"lucky bitch, tell your sister I say congratulations" I tell him as we go our separate ways.

"cool" he says.

Tyler P.O.V.

"So how do you like your new apartment" I asked danger sliding him a glass of whiskey.

"thanks boss, it's really icy and my son loves having his own  bedroom" danger tells me smiling at the mention of his son.

"you really love that boy" I tell him.

"yeah he is my everything and I'd do anything to protect him" he says sipping on his whiskey.

"so if you cross me or snitch on me I will kill your son in cold blood and you will watch me" I tell him

"I promise boss I won't double cross you or s....snitch" he says.

"NOW GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE" I yell at him and he stands up and leaves my office.

third person P.O.V

Tyler was in his office working and singing invoices for the club when he got an email from his wife's lawyer.

the email was to alert him that Malaysia was filing for divorce and that because of their prenup she was entitled to zero percent of his fortune .

but they were going to contest the will because she helped build my empire.

Tyler P.O.V.

"Are you dumb,stupid or crazy you are not getting a cent from me" I tell her.

"I helped you build your empire so I am deserving of every penny that I am asking fir" she says

"Malaysia the prenup says if you initiate the divorce you get nothing so,you have no chance against me and my legal team" I tell her.

"Also why are you divorcing me exactly" I asked her.

" I am not gonna stay in a marriage where my husband will put me second to some bitch or mitch" she says.

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