Some Stuff I've Heard About T

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Sorry I disappeared, I've been not great and needing therapy but unable to get it. And I've been trying to keep up but it's hard. Anyways, as to not to get you guys down, I am actually getting better! After all, the road to recovery is not a straight line! :)
But enjoy!

So, although I myself have not yet been able to get testosterone, here are a few things I've heard from reliable sources!

First of all, to get the bad out of the way, bottom growth.

From what I understand, bottom growth is uncomfortable and overall painful.

Other cons that I've found are you get extremely hungry. Like, Tokyo Ghoul hungry. You eat a fridge full and are still hungry, kind of hungry.

There's also a higher libido, meaning you get horny af.

And, as I'm sure you've heard, mood swings.

But on the brighter side we are at the pro's!

A good portion of people experience thicker facial hair, as well as voice changes within a few minutes after starting T. Granted you don't immediately sound like Corpse, but your voice does deepen a bit.

There's also the higher rate of building muscle and stamina. Muscle can sometimes help you pass more, so this is a good thing. Though keep in mind there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with chubby boys!

On top of this, testosterone can actually change your face shape a bit, making your jawline more prominent and masculine.I

I hope this helped a bit!

Well, that's all I have for you today!

And always remember,

You ARE loved!

And you Are valid!

Thanks for reading, and have a lovely day! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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