~More Tips On Binding~

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Author's note: It seems I've been doing this a lot but I'm sorry for not updating more. I've been dealing with some shit, trying to find another job, and I'm going on a trip out of the country soon. I'm trying to update more but it just hasn't panned out as I hoped it would. I'm still trying to update more. Thanks for reading, now go enjoy the tips and pictures!

When binding it's important to bind correctly and with the right size binder, if you don't then this could end up negatively affecting you in the long run.

I know sometimes it might seem like you won't live long enough to reap what you sew so you just don't care but someone out there might change that perspective on life and you'll regret not binding safe.

1.) Don't pull your binder over your hips, it can stretch it out.

2.) Don't bind until your chest is as flat as you can get it. Bind to your body type!

3.) Don't bind your chest down. I have a picture to better explain what I mean that I'll put in after the other tips ;)

Now some of these tips are more like tips, they won't necessarily help bind safe but they're more to make you comfortable.

4.) Put deodorant (I use men's but any kind works) under your chest testicles (don't judge the word, it's to help prevent dysphoria) to help with uncomfortable chafing.

5.) A healthy mindset helps with self perception, I know everyone spouts off about it like it's so easy to just be healthy, but it does help. And when I say "being healthy" I mean being in a more positive mindset. Maybe once a day you can make a positive statement, or get a plant to help with your mental state (I recommend succulents) or even just go for a walk when it's warm out.

6.) Layers. If I could tell you how many times layers has helped me! Layers help hide your chest as well as helping add to your everyday outfit.

7.) White shirts and black binders do NOT mix well. You might be able to see the binder through the shirt. If you want to wear a black binder and a white shirt, throw on a tank top underneath.

Now for the pictures-

Now for the pictures-

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I hope this helped some of you and I want you all to know you ARE valid and there is nothing wrong with you!
Love you all, have a great day!



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