~Sorry For Being Inactive Lately~

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Greeting lovely guys, gals, and non-binary palls (Probably just guys here but why not be inclusive?).

This chapter is an apology for not being active in both with updating and responding to comments.

I know I haven't updated in forever and the last comment I responded to was from four days ago, so yeah....

Most of the reason for my lacking performance is that I use my laptop to write on Watt-pad and it's been having problems lately, I also have a lot of personal problems dragging me down that I've been trying to deal with.

In short, (because I don't want to dump all my problems on you guys) I'm going try to be updating and responding to you guys more frequently.

With that I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and just remember:

 1) You are valid 

2) There are people out there who love you or are waiting to love you.

and last but definitely not least,

3) You're not alone.

Thank you for bearing with me, I should be updating more soon!
Bye :)


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