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Taehyung wastes no time in getting his game back up, though he does slip in two days between the night of the party and the day he drops a question after the good morning texts he'd been sending Jeongguk.


Dinner and movie tonight? 

Jeongguk's response came five minutes later.


I close at 7.

Taehyung thinks it's a good start. 

He books a movie he thinks Jeongguk would enjoy and then a table in Jeongguk's favourite restaurant, hoping it's still his favourite restaurant. It isn't too fancy so Taehyung makes sure to dress casually. 

He's just a tad bit nervous. There's something about the fact that this isn't the first time that makes him wonder if he'd do as well as he did before. How long would it take for it to be acceptable to kiss Jeongguk? How long would it take for it to be even remotely okay to go back to old tendencies, where his hand would find Jeongguk's to hold?

It's much to think about but Taehyung tries to focus on the fact that he's given the chance to do this again and so he won't waste it.

His car pulls into the parking lot fifteen minutes before seven and it's only because he's never been late that he doesn't hesitate about climbing out of the car and meeting Jeongguk in his shop.

When Jeongguk sees him, his eyes flickered to the watch on his wrist but then recognition takes over his face. 

"Never a second late, are you?"

Taehyung beams. 

"You know me."

"Give me a second.", Jeongguk says, his smile wide. "I'll just clean up at the back and then I'm all yours."

All mine. 

It's the only thing that plays on a loop in his head as he waits for Jeongguk to finish up.

When Jeongguk finally reappears, he looks freshened up, a sparkle in his eyes and a twinkle in his smile and as he locks up the shop, Taehyung realizes, for the nth time, that he's still very much in love with Jeongguk.

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