Chapter 5: Growing Up - 2002 - 2011

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Prison World — 1994
Real World — 2002
Sally is now 7 Years Old
3rd POV

She was getting older, it has been around three years since she appeared there. Sitting crosslegged Sally watches Mr. Kai with a smile as he causes the ground to shake, small rocks begin to rise up into the air.

Kai smiles widely at his little one. "I never thought to siphon from the world until you showed up."

Unfortunately he still hasn't told her about how he is her father.

"I didn't even know that I was doing it." Sally says with a shrug. "I can just feel it. . and it just comes to me."

"That is because you are a natural." He says with a smirk. "So, what have you learned?"

Sally sits back, her arms stretching out behind her as she bites her lip. "That I can find anything with my magic, but that all of their energies are different and their flows have different— feels — to them."

"Yes!" He says with a wide grin as he points at me, practically bouncing on his feet in excitement. "Now, let's look over those Grimores again!"

Prison World — 1994
Real World — 2005
Sally is 10 Years Old
3rd POV

The fact was, for him telling her that he was her father was a fear. Mostly of her rejecting him as her father or her calling him a liar. However when she began to notice certain resemblances she had decided to shrug it off. Not because she didn't want him as her father, but more so because she assumed that he would have told her if he knew who her father was.

"Okay, class is in session." Kai says playfully as she smirks at him while they sit in an actual classroom.

Sally lets out a snort, much to Kai's amusement as his mind drifts to the woman he loved. It has been many years and yet sometimes it feels like yesterday when he saw her try to stifle her giggle when she heard something funny.

Of course they don't need to hide at all here, this is their turf, no one comes or goes in this world. Not until they are ready to make it so, perhaps they'll trap the Gemini coven here— or find a way to defeat death and kill them all.

Which is part of why Sally has been so rigorously trained in her own brand of siphoning magic and why they have been so focused on making them less dependent or even reliant on things within their reach. They need to be able to pull magic to themselves from everything and wherever they are.

"I can't." Sally screamed as she feels the magic flowing under her skin uncomfortably.

"Sally." Kai says sharply trying to get her attention as her body shakes from the over abundance of magic. "SALLY. Look at me kid. Sweetie, look at me okay?"

Her eyes snap up to his as tears flow freely from her currently bright white eyes.

"I can't see. Why can't I see?" She says with a whimper as suddenly the magic is snapped out of her and she falls to the ground with a thump before he could even catch her.

Rushing over to her Kai scoops her up gently as tears try to fall down his face. Shaking them off he focuses on getting her someplace warm and away from the elements. A part of him fears that she won't wake up again.

Prison World — 1994
Real World — 2010
Sally is 15/16 Years Old
3rd POV

"Are you sure about this?" The young teen asks the man whose grown to be like her father. Who is her father even? She's never met him and she probably will never have the chance to.

The man in question smiles happily at his daughter. Perhaps he should have told her years ago about who her father is, but how could he? He can't lose her, his darling daughter who is now nearly his physical age. How can he stop her aging? He can't have her dying on him.

"Of course, Munchkin." He replies cheekily as he winks at her.

They've prepared for this, nothing should go wrong.

A smirk tugs on her lips, she rolls her eyes and huffs while crossing her arms. "I'm too old to be a munchkin now old man."

He snorts in amusement and shakes his head. "No, trust me kid. You're not. I still have, what is it? Fifteen or sixteen years on you right now?"

She shrugs. "No idea. It's not like we know what the actual date is right now so.."

"Have we celebrated any of your birthdays?" Kai asks, interrupting his daughter with a frown, he knows they have celebrated for it once or twice but. . Other then that he can't remember.

Sally shrugs, not necessarily caring. She wasn't allowed birthday before she landed here after all. "Maybe, we might've tried a few times. But I can't exactly remember for sure. Why?"

"Maybe we should." He replies with a shrug. But what could they do?

They set up a time to have a birthday for her, he found things that he believes that she will like while she worked on baking a cake. He found some Grimores while searching through the empty homes of the world. Two of them specifically, he's not sure whose they were but they were old.

Together, after she managed to successfully bake a cake they worked on siphoning magic from the world they reside in to light the candles.

Prison World — 1994
Real World — 2011
Sally is 16-17 Years Old

Holding hands the father and daughter duo work on combing their Siphoning with the earth. Theoretically it might help them to become connected enough to it where the earths magic will naturally begin to flow through them, stronger then the coven. They stood inside of a cemetery in Mystic Falls for the ritual.

As they began chanting, doing their best to summon magic from the earth to them they found that they were missing something. With a blast they were scattered across the land. Both of them skidded to a stop miles away from the other.

Sally laid passed out at the base of a tree, blood dripping from the side of her body where a branch broke off and stabbed her. Kai however died again that day, landing on top of an iron stake.

The magic from the Prison World spiked and shot up from the ground and wrapped itself around them. Neither of them were awake nor alive enough to be aware of it invading them, borrowing inside of them through their wounds to nestle a piece of itself in them. The Ascendant that was on Kai's body glows lightly before it flickers and then fades.

Crystalizing, the pieces of magic inside of them spreads through their bodies, encasing them. Magic surges and vibrates through the cemetery as it connects to their prone bodies.


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