Chapter 1: The Child - 1999

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3rd POV

Sally -no last name (because her caretaker refused to give her one) was a five year old girl, a siphon. She was just born that way so they've told her.

"Sally, come." Joshua yells angrily as he gathers things up from around the house, he looks at the timid girl and almost feels bad, almost. But then he remembers the death of his children and then the feeling of remorse for the girl is gone, all siphons are monsters.

Before she can go towards him he puts on a pair of thick gloves? and marches over to the little terrified girl, grabs her by the hair and he drags her along as he steps out of the house as she cries from his harsh grip on her hair as he puts her in the trunk of his car roughly.

Sally kicks, screams and cries until her throat feels like it's turned raw. She knows that they're going to try to kill her again, what does she do wrong? She's always behaved well even when they hurt her.

Is she a naughty girl? She never meant to take anyone's magic, she can learn to control it. . . and none of them like her very much either, they say that sometimes a person is just born bad, but why is she born bad and nobody else is? Maybe they're wrong?

Then she can't cry anymore, it feels like her throat is going to bleed and perhaps it is? She doesn't know, she's just afraid.

When the car comes to a stop Joshua walks out and pulls her from the trunk of the car by the hair, she has tears coming out of her eyes but the sound of pain won't leave her mouth.

Quickly he lays her in the circle they made, hopefully it'll keep her from siphoning from them like it's supposed to.

Standing at what they believe is a safe distance from her they begin to chant words that she can't seem to understand yet. She puts her arms up to protect herself and while doing so she accidentally begins siphoning their magic almost instinctively as she does so.

The Gemini coven begin to feel the drain on their magic, one of them desperately rushes at the scared little girl with a knife, but before it slams into the back of her neck the little girl instinctively and without even trying throws the knife from their hand across the clearing from them, slamming right into a tree.

Around that time Sheila Bennett arrives in the clearing and seeing the young child she feels her heart ache, but before she can even consider interfering and taking the child into her home to be raised the child disappears with a loud resounding crack.

That's when everyone in the Gemini Coven freezes in surprise, no, that's not possible, she's a siphon and she doesn't have magic of her own, they need to find her quickly and rid the world of another abomination before it destroys them all.

Sheila stands in the clearing even after the coven is gone from the area, her eyes are focused on the spot that the little child disappeared from and sighs sadly, she would've taken her and raised her, Bonnie would've loved to have a little sister.

Prison World
3rd POV

When Sally opens her eyes again she finds herself in an unfamiliar home, one that's seemingly empty, still afraid she backs herself into a corner on the floor and soundlessly cry's as she wraps her arms around her legs as she rocks herself to sleep.

It wasn't until hours later that she wakes in the same position, except it's dark out now and that makes her more scared that they'll find her. She doesn't want to die, she is only 5.

What year did she hear them say that it was? 1999 right? They don't let her out of her room much so she's not very sure. Shortly after she falls asleep again, exhausted from the day she had.


Two towns over Kai could feel the world shift when someone entered his world, yes, his world he lives here and he's alone obviously, then now he's not. He supposes that he'll have to find out who it is and why they are here.


The next time Sally wakes up it is bright outside. Cautiously Sally leaves the house that she found herself in and luckily she's not in the woods, if she was in the woods she'd be so scared, she hates being in the woods.

But maybe that's just because that's where they'd bring her if they wanted to try to get rid of her?

Walking through the empty town she can't help but wonder. .Where are the people? She doesn't know and that scares her, what happened to everyone? This frightens her, but she's hungry and now she needs to go potty, it feels like forever since she left that house.

By the time she finds a store, she rushes to the rest room to go potty, when she's done she goes straight to the food and she can't help but be afraid of monsters, will the monsters get her? Did they get everyone else too?

Despite their treatment of her she hopes that they're all alive out there somewhere. She grabs some of the candy and sits down on the floor in the middle of the empty store to eat some Oreos, she likes Oreos.

She's only had them once before now. They're yummy, maybe she can find the milk too? Standing up with the package of Oreos she looks around the store until she finally finds the Milk, it's heavy to lift but she can do it.

Looking around some more she finds a cup, she try's to carefully pour the milk into the glass but it spills and she can't help but look around worriedly, are they going to be angry? Do they already know that she accidentally spilt her milk? She sure hopes not. Quickly she cleans up the mess she made.

That night she sleeps in the large store after finding some sleep clothes that fit her well enough and she gathers some blankets so that she can lay on the floor comfortably. The lights and the store stay on and she hopes that that means that the monsters will stay away.

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