Chapter 4: The Games - 2000 - 2001

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Prison World - 1994
Real World - 2000
3rd POV

When she arrived it was November and now it is March. However time is irrelevant, the only way they can really track it is to keep a tally basically, so more accurately they think that it's March of 2000. It could of course be sometime around February or April instead.

Kai is unsure of whether or not Sally will age while being stuck in the prison world with him. She can fight and she is picking up the words a little faster. The fear is still present in her though.

If he raises his voice too loudly at her she freezes, the problem is that he doesn't know if he can fix that or not. He can't exactly put her in situations to interact with others at the moment.

"What are you looking for?" Sally asks Kai with a frown as she sees him staring off into space blankly.

Kai blinks a few times, then he glances at her and shrugs "Nothing. Hey Sally, when's your birthday?"

She frowns and also shrugs in response as she looks down ashamed "I donno."

"Oh, well, how about we say that it's on June 3rd, 1994 then?" Kai suggests, that was supposed to be her due date.

He knew that there was a chance that she could turn out like him, that's why he needed to become the leader. Then he could've kept them safe from his family. Always being the abomination wasn't something that he wanted for his child (if she ended up being a siphon) and being ridiculed and murdered wasn't something that he wanted for the woman that he loved either.

To be honest he wants to know if Lynn was able to carry Sally full term or if they had used magic to force her into having an early birth in hopes of killing their baby. Eventually he will need to let her know that she is his daughter, just not yet.

"Want to play a game Sally?" Kai asks her with a small smile on his face as he glances at her.

She tilts her head curiously and then shrugs "Kay, like what?"

"How about we play Ninjas? We're enemy ninjas and we need to sneak around each other to get certain items that are placed around randomly, but when we come into contact with each other then we need to spar."

Sally frowns and then asks curiously "but wouldn't you know where all of the items are? You could cheat."

"Alright." He responds with a light laugh "I'll place yours and you place mine, all we can do is show each other the items we will be finding then we hide them."

"Okay." She says with a frown as she taps her chin "I can pick anything for your items?"

Kai snorts, oh yeah, she's like him so much already. "Within reason little munchkin. ."


Two hours later they had hidden their pieces and were at their starting point. The game location was in a medium/large park to give them room and allow more movement.

The first day of the game they didn't cross paths. They played for two hours before the game went on pause for quiet time and snacks. Not an item had been found on either side yet.

When they got home after studying they began her reading lessons before she needed to go to sleep. The next morning however the game continued where they left off. It had been two days when they finally crossed paths with each other during the game.

Sally's first reaction was to try and make herself invisible. "No cheating Munckin, your special magic is not allowed." He announces with amusement causing her to pout in disappointment.

Oh yeah, she may be a siphon but she definitely has some of her own magic as well. It's so odd, if only he knew how that was possible. "But I don't want to fight."

"Did you want to give up?" Kai asks her irritably as he crosses her arms.

Her face gets really sad as water forms in her eyes "I just wanna play."

Letting out a sigh kai walks towards her making her little body stiffen and she tilts her head expecting to be in trouble. Gently he pats her head as he lets out another sigh. She looks up at him as tears silently go down her face and her body starts to shake.

"We'll just play then okay?" He suggests kindly as he smiles at her with what he hopes is a gentle look, he'd rather not frighten her anymore.

Her face lights up happily and her eyes brighten, with a squeal she wraps her arms around him in excitement "Really?"

But then she freezes in surprise as he does the same, before she can apologize and pull out of the hug he wraps his arms gently around her. It's his first hug from his daughter, as awkward as it is. He better not be getting sentimental, that could be problematic.

"Yeah" he says as he shakes his head to pull himself together "We'll play, but we do need to make sure you get some training also, okay?"

She nods with a bright smile on her face "Yay! Ohhh can we play tag or maybe go fish, oh candy-land seems like fun too!"

Kai chuckles in amusement and shrugs "Sure thing kid."

Gemini Coven - 2001
3rd POV

The girl has been gone about three years now, which means that she would be nearly eight years old now and they have been unable to find her. It would seemingly be impossible for her to end up in the prison world. Not to mention who knows what would happen if Kai got out and found out what had happened to his daughter or that girlfriend of his.

Sheila Bennett has so far refused to get into contact with them after the incident that had occurred. But they are still searching for the girl. Perhaps she's dead? But she can't be, the crystal has landed multiple times. The issue is that the girl is never there.

Prison World - 1994
Real World - 2001
3rd POV

Sally has been aging up and learning as the years have passed by. Kai has been learning to be patient, albeit there have been times when he has lost his temper, but he will admit that at least she had learnt how to make a shield really quickly.

Right now they are going over their stealth, this time they're in one of the large forests. This game is different, after she accidentally fell from a cliff the previous year they found out that she won't stay dead. However, that also means that the training became more vigorously as had the usage of her small amount of magic.

On certain occasions he will siphons some of her magic and on others she takes from the magic hidden around them. That is something she has been trying to teach him when they realized that is where her hidden 'magic' comes from. Instinctively she siphons it from around her.

That is part of the purpose of their current game. One part is him to take the hidden magic from around them and then also for her to learn how to fight better, with and without it.

But, they are both working on their stealth. If they do happen to get out of here they would prefer for the Coven to not expect them.

Sally pushes herself up against a tree when she hears a branch snap nearby, trying not to use her magic to cheat she focuses on the sounds around her to find him. Hearing another branch snap she lifts her hand and turns quickly only to see air before her.

Kai watches in amusement as his daughter frowns. Ahh, he hasn't mentioned that he has been improving has he? Okay and he's neglected to mention that he's her father. But that is for another time. Perhaps when she's learnt more, no need to distract her right now after all.

Quickly he moves his hand and a small fire starts behind her making her jump in surprise before he turns it off. With a frown again she looks around in confusion, walking up behind her he taps her shoulder and makes himself visible.

Glaring at him Sally crosses her arms "That was so rude."

"I was practicing. Wanna try again Munchkin?"

With a resigned sigh Sally pouts "Fine." She wants to win this game, at least once.

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