Chapter 1

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It might just be Lola's mind playing tricks on her but the sky seemed to have darkened considerably in the past hour. Trying not to think about how the trees outside were swaying like dancing ghosts in the wind, she hugged her pillow tightly and focused on the immediate issue at hand.

Gu Jun Pyo had finally proposed to Geum Jan Di on the small vintage television screen that sat perched atop the small table in Lola's room. The small tele was crackling, the cheapest yet best gift her best friends had bought her at someone's garage sale a year ago. 

The old thing still worked like it was brand new but since it was old Lola had to settle for using DVD's instead of  Netflix or other online outlets. That was what the flat screen downstairs was used for but right now Lola's parents were out for her father's company dinner and she never liked staying in the living room when she was alone at home. 

This was probably her third time watching Boy's Over Flowers but damn Lee Min Ho will always be her ultimate despite that shitty hairstyle. 

Lola's heart swarmed when Jan Di started tearing at the proposal. She'd lost count the amount of times Jan Di had cried throughout the fifty episodes but the happy tears were a welcome change. They made Lola happy.

Maybe one day she would find a love like that.

The crack of thunder boomed just outside her window and Lola nearly jumped out of her skin. Talk about a bad omen.

She shifted around under the confines of her comforter and sighed in relief when her hand clasped around her phone. She unlocked the screen and checked the time. 

Eleven o'clock. 

Outside the rain was beating down on her window mercilessly, she wondered how the party in Stephanie's house was going. With the weather like this, she was sure it would be a wash out and a small part of Lola was actually happy about it. Stephanie never invited Lola and her friends for any of her over the top parties so why should she care if the others were having fun while she was in bed watching her favorite kdrama.

Her phone suddenly buzzed loudly and her ring tone intermixed with Jan Di's and Jun Pyo's happy reunion. 


"Honey, everything okay?" Lola's mother's voice was laced with concern but it was also sluggish and laced with alcohol. She could tell.

"Yeah, mom. Enjoy your date night," She cradled her phone under her ear and continued to stare at the screen but something flashed at the corner of her vision.

Was it just her or did something move outside her window?

"We're feeling bad for leaving you alone at home. Especially since that murderer is on the loose. We'll be back soon okay dear? Make sure you keep all the windows and doors  locked."

"Don't worry, mum. I've got it covered."

The chances of Julian breaking into our house and murdering me tonight were decimal. The school's most popular bad boy never paid attention to me throughout high school and he has been missing ever since his van crashed on the way to juvy.

That was almost a week ago and no one has heard from him since. For all we know he could be lying dead somewhere in the woods, or in a different city, looking for a different victim.

The thunder clapped again and Lola frowned at the timing. 

After convincing her mother that everything was fine and that she would be going to bed soon, Lola hung up and turned her attention back to the old tele. The credits were now running so she hopped off the bed and took out the dvd.

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