chapter 5: the hunt goes on a manhunt

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Artemis POV (thought I try something new for this chapter)

My father had called all the gods to Olympus, I was told to wear my armor and keep my hunt in my temple, as I approached where the Olympians met I noticed let every minor God in the city had armor and a weapon, now normally I wouldn't notice but all of them were carrying their sacred weapon, so I was confused as to what's going on oh, that is until I reach the meeting room and saw the Olympians were all wearing their armor and holding their sacred weapons as well, my father is Zeus saw my arrival and called the meeting to order. "Many of you are probably wondering if I had you bring your weapons and armor, it is because we are about to go to war against our greatest opponent." my father said that questions started flying around the room, everyone was screaming over each other trying to get my father to hear them while I just sat silently, waiting for him to continue "as you know Perseus jackson was found with the forbidden weapon known as the sword of olympus, I know that most of you respect him which is why what I'm about to say may upset most of you but as your king I am ordering you to do so." Zeus stands up with Master bolt in hand and says in a booming voice so all of Olympus can hear "as of this moment Perseus Jackson is to be killed on sight and if any god, goddess, or nature spirit is found to be aiding him they will be thrown into the deepest pit of Tartarus". Everyone was silent, my father had never threatened to do this before, but we all knew that he would, I looked to hera and hestia, I could see the look of fear in their eyes, once my father ended the meeting I went straight to hestia's Temple with Hera, once there hestia immediately let us in and shut the door, Zeus could not hear our conversation now,

Hera: this is very bad.
Artemis: you don't think I know that, one of my hunters is in love with him and I don't know how to tell her that we have to hunt him down
Hestia: you can drop the act you know, we know you're in love with Perseus as well

Artemis looks like a deer in headlights as she begins to blush a bright red, it was true that she had a deep admiration for Percy after she saved him from being trapped under the sky with atlas, very few knew that her admiration ran deep enough into love

Artemis: so, I know both of you feel the same way.
Hestia: so, it's not like I care what Olympus thinks

Hera on the other hand became a blushing mess as she was mumbling about denying it completely, before the conversation could continue there was a loud boom followed by a great rumble, the three goddesses looked at each other in recognition, a God had just died (I think you can all guess who). Once the shaking was over the three goddesses flashed to The Olympian throne room, Zeus looked about ready to Chuck his master bolt at a small country and destroy it completely, once all the gods were there he said in a dark and deep tone "Heracles has been killed by Perseus, and his godly essence absorbed." At first we didn't know what to think of it, then slowly the gear started turning in everyone's heads as they all thought the same thing "if Perseus can do that to Heracles, what exactly can he do to us?" At that moment Zeus looked to everyone and said something that chilled me to the Bone "find Perseus, and bring the wrath of Olympus down on him", my father's eyes seemed to darken, I knew that we didn't have much time so I went to my hunt, ready to tell them the news, as well as what we were doing next, with that one act it had become official. Perseus Jackson, the son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson, twice savior of Olympus, and hero to the Greeks as well as the Romans was now olympus's number one enemy, and Zeus would destroy anyone who dared to side with him.

-sorry it took so long to update,I just got a new job at Little Caesars so I've been working hard to make money, I hope this chapter more than makes up for it, if not just wait till the next one, stay fiery my friends-

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