chapter 2: fate hates me

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To recap I stand in front of the twelve gods that govern pretty much all of the Greek pantheon, with a forbidden weapon I pulled out of a Boulder named after Zeus by complete accident, and they're saying if I'm found too dangerous with it then I will be destroyed, suffice to say I was in deep trouble. In front of me stood the king of the gods himself, drama queen, I mean Zeus. He stared angrily down at me, his master bolt in his right hand ready to strike me down. I said in a confident voice "have I broken any laws?" This is Zeus gave a very confused "no, why?" I smiled at this and stated firmly "I have not broken any laws therefore you have no right to destroy me for a crime that is metaphysical" said not knowing what the hades I was saying, at this point I was just trying to stall for time. Zeus however saw through this and spoke in a booming voice "you shall be taken to Olympus in chains untill you are deemed to be not dangerous" he summoned celestial bronze chains and we're bringing them closer to me, a single thought popped into my head "he's not going to care what I say, he'll throw me into Tartarus without a second thought" so I swung the sword at the chains and something that I thought was impossible happened, it cut through the chains as if they were made of butter. Looked up at the stunned gods and demigods, and with that I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. You're probably thinking "but Percy, you didn't plan on using the sword against Olympus then you have nothing to be afraid of."  And To that I say HA, have you met Lord thunderpants, he would give any excuse to throw me into Tartarus. Turn the back and heard the running of an army after me, I knew the guys wouldn't be far behind them so I looked to the sword and said with fear slowly climbing up my throat "if you want me to end this corruption on Olympus I suggest you get us out of here" and as if I'm command of the sword yanked me upward and I was flying through the sky. Now normally I avoid flying like the plague but I had a feeling this time was safe oh, and I was right in a matter of seconds started going faster and faster until I landed on an island, a very familiar island. I looked around and saw a familiar cave and ran towards it, inside were two people I haven't seen in forever. Small Latino male covered in soot, and a beautiful woman with brown curly hair, I asked with uncertainty in my voice "leo? Calypso?" The two turned around and saw me, two seconds later they rushed towards me and wrapped me in a bear hug. Leo let go and said "nice to see someone else, I'm not kidding when I got here I found out I couldn't get off so it's just been me and Calypso for a while now." I must have looked surprised so he explained what happened, turns out he used the death cure on himself after he got to Ogygia with festus and reunited with calypso, as they were getting ready to leave the island a mark appeared on each of them, the fates showed up and said only the one with the sword of Olympus could let them off this island, so they've been here ever since Gaia died, after all that I ended up telling them everything that happened, at the end of my story they looked upset. Calypso told me I could hide out there for as long as I needed, that's when I heard thunder rumble outside, Leo and Calypso looks to each other before moving a rock to the side, "get in there" said calypso "you and Leo have to hide until whoever is here to visit goes away." So Leo climbed inside the miniature cave, and waited to see who is visiting and what happened next is what solidified me as the biggest enemy of Olympus.

-the picture is true, this is where I'll end this chapter, sorry it took so long to update just took me awhile to get sometime to do it, I'm doing the best I can updating all my stories so be sure to read as many as you can and untill next time, s...

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-the picture is true, this is where I'll end this chapter, sorry it took so long to update just took me awhile to get sometime to do it, I'm doing the best I can updating all my stories so be sure to read as many as you can and untill next time, stay fiery my readers-

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