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Hey there everyone, I know your all excited for more chapters but it will take some time, not alot of free time to write as of late but I promise you the next chapter will come out. In other news I looked at the comments and I must thank Lionboi100 and GalacticGoblin8, I plan on combining their ideas and making it to where Percy's weapon transforms depending on different gods. Lastly I understand my writing is a bit hard to read and I am sorry for that, this is my first story therefore the writing style I chose is more than likely going to be the one I stick with, I really am sorry but I don't really know of any better way to write. That's pretty much all for this tiny little update so as always stay fiery my friends and I will see you in the next chapter.

Oh and one more thing for anybody wondering, I don't do smut or lemons.

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