chapter 3: I kill a god

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Me and Leo were quiet as mice as we heard the footsteps approaching the mouth of the cave, Calypso stood up and brushed herself off before looking to see which God or goddess decided to visit her today. I could see the mouth of the cave from our hiding place, and it was my least favorite of all gods, he wore a lion skin over his back and held a gigantic club, today Calypso was being visited by none other than the god of strength Heracles. "Oh Lord Heracles, what brings you to my humble island" Calypso said trying to sound as polite as possible, the god that gave her a smile, and said simply "you want off, right? I can get you off you do something for me." Calypso backed away "I shall not do anything for you" apparently Heracles didn't like that she was defying him so he grabbed her by the neck and pinned her against a wall, "I wasn't asking, I was telling." At this point of primal instinct took over, Leo looked terrified I on the other hand kicked the door. What happened next I wasn't expecting, the rock that acted as a door flew off and hit Heracles smack dab in the face, he stumbled back from the force of the rock. He looked and saw me holding the sword glaring at him with full Fury, "Let.Her.Go." I said this slowly and and with venom in my voice. He laughed and asked in a mocking tone "what are you going to do about it traitor?" At this point he pushed my last button and I ran up and punched him in the face, his feet left the floor and he went through a wall and back a few feet, tumbling and falling flat on his stomach. I stepped through the hole he made after the punch, sword in hand and full of Fury. Heracles stood up, changing his clothes into a lion's skin with a club, "you're going to regret that runt" he said in a cocky, condescending tone. I readied my sword as he held up his club, we rushed at each other both of us at blinding speed.

(Warning, I feel like I stink up fight scenes so sorry if this is terrible)

Heracles brought his club down in an attempt to cave my skull in, but I sidestepped it in and slashed at his ribs, Ichor flowed from the wound he brought his club background and hit me in the back. I've looked forward and landed with a thud, I slowly pushed myself off the ground, still dizzy from the hit. Heracles tried to take this opening and hit me again, but I rolled out of the way last second causing his club to hit the ground we were both standing on. I stood up and held my sword in front of me and ran at him, I found myself moving faster than I could before, hit him with a flurry of blows which brought him to one knee, but he wasn't out of the fight yet so he slowly stood up and resorted try and kill me with his true form, started to Glow and before I could turn away the glow got as bright as possible, something happened that stunned everyone there, I could see his true form and I was still alive. Heracles flew at me in rage and hit me in the side of the face, I flew to the side that's when I felt the blood coming down my nose, only it wasn't blood, I rub getaway in sounds in my blood was gold, only later did I question is because right now my fighting instincts were kicking in, Heracles kept going after me and it was tiring, I was slowly losing speed so I knew I didn't have much longer left so I decided if I was going down I would try to end this. Heracles rushed at me for a final blow, I ran at him and we both hit each other, my sword impaled his got while his club hit me over the head. We both backed away my sword now out of his stomach but something was different, as Heracles was bleeding from the blow slowly his Gold blood started becoming red. "Wha-whats happening to me" said Heracles as he attempted to stop the bleeding, a voice came out of me which was in my own "the sword that is pierced you is the sword of Olympus, a sword blessed by all 12 Olympians and by the Creator herself, with this sword any killing blow will take away any and all immortality, you are no longer a god nor will you ever be again!"once side said this Heracles looked at me in fear slowly fell to his knees crying for his father to save him, but nothing happened he fell forward in a puddle of his own blood as he drew his final breath, "Zeus.... will have..... Your head" those were his final words, the god of strength was dead. Leo and Calypso saw me with my sword and a dead Heracles in my feet, "what happened?" Asked leo, but before I could answer a wave of pain washed over me, I felt myself get more powerful but I was also losing my vision, everything started going black and the last thing I saw were Leo and Calypso running towards me in a panic.

*Sorry it took me so long to update, it was hard finding time to write.*

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