Chapter 11: The Burning Rose

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I can feel the water absorbing the weight of my body, the red roses are floating around and it's scent has finally engulfed all of my pain. The last the rose has been burnt and the sinners have paid their price, the Red River can now again become glassy blue and the sky bright and sunny and I can finally give in, give into the warmth of the summer light. 

But well, did you forget? All these things would have happened if this was a sane story of a sane person and well neither of  those are happening at least here as this Harlene Marvin has never been anything even rhyming with normal and neither would be her story. I am very well and very alive as well, I have even started gardening in the backyard of my house and the attic, the attic has turned into a real heaven with vases of rose at each corner but don't worry I haven't forgotten the lavenders, they are here too, so is the carpet, so is Ava and so is Aunt Susan.

Jacob would be here any moment, he still stays in New York but is adamant on not using the technology and instead visiting me every Sunday of every week until I am old enough to get into a good College in New York, Jacob and his plans! he even has a nickname for me, he likes to call me his "illegal Girlfriend". The doorbell just went off.                                                                                           "Hey Illegal Girlfriend!" Jacob says with his infamous flirty face, I smile back and say "Hello, Investigator Hayden" He rolls his eyes, he hates the term investigator as much as he hates the whole Everson's case, he even says that this case was the most disgusting case of his life where the younger brother kills his older brother and all his other companions to hide the crime of illegal women-trafficking and drug business and then runs away, the whole town was disgusted, well they were disgusted until Mr. Everson announced that they were going to establish a multiplex in this town and that the family has disowned Josh and Hardin, I mean how can they not? They are a dishonor to the family just like I am.

Jacob hands me a packet, I look inside to find that he has brought a chocolate cake for me with a extra syrup, I start to blush and so does he, I ask him to freshen up while I serve the cake in two dishes, I return back to find Jacob sitting on the sofa surfing through the channel, I can't help but look at him in aw, I walk to the sofa to sit with him and wrap myself in his arms as we eat our cake and watch "Titanic" . At one point he says, " Babe, what's with you and roses filled with thorns?" as his eyes fall on the center piece of the table I had just set, a broken black vase made of glass with red color abstractly spread over it and filled with the deadliest of the red roses covered in prickly thorns, "And also bloody vases?" he adds jokingly, I laugh with him as well, if only he knew that it wasn't color, I finally say, "Shhh! Its a secret!"

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