Chapter 1: The Red River

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"Hello Dear!" said Doctor Carol in her usual over-enthusiastic and irritatingly happy voice, I want to roll my eyes and walk out of this hell but I fear that's not available in the list of very few options that my faith has presented to me, I know what Aunt Susan would have called this situation, she would have said that this was an ugly game of faith, it was her favorite phrase, just thinking about her makes me smile and perhaps me smiling like a normal person is quite abnormal for Doctor Carol because as soon as I smile, she asks me looking genuinely concerned, "How are you feeling Miss Marvin? Is there anything you want to discuss about dear?"  

  I clear my throat and turning my smile into a stupid grin, say as excitedly as possible, " Doctor Ca...carol, I am go..good, s..s...sorry I am j..just a little d..distracted today" She looks at me with a troubled smile, and says again, "You can tell me anything dear, don't be scared child, please be honest" yeah sure, I should tell you everything so that you can go increase my doses or better send me to jail, I think to myself. I cant believe once I used to think this place was like a heaven, really? this old garbage smelling broken building called "Maple Valley Therapy Center" . 

Well, now as I think about it, this place is actually the perfect resemblance of this whole town-----our very own Maple Valley, Maple Valley where trees have more respect than humans, Maple Valley where superstitions are more believed than a person saying that they have witnessed a murder, Maple Valley where when the Everson's host a party the whole town dances to the music coming from there mansion but no one hears the screams and cries coming from it's basement. And maybe this town had always been hell or my definition of hell and heaven has changed in the past one week.

There is a river, just beside the highway ending to Maple Valley, the townies call it the "The Red River", they say it got the name from the red leaves which covers every inch of the water during the month of Autumn, but there is a far more interesting folklore to the Red River.

 It was said once upon a time, the Red River was a source of blessing to all the people of the town, no matter what weather it was, the water in the river stayed fresh, pure and full but when the people of the town started committing sins and engage in deeds which harmed the nature, the water in the river slowly started to decrease until one Autumn Morning,  

the people of the Maple Valley found out that the whole river which was once filled with water to the very top had dried down to its very core with red leaves covering what was left of the once blessed  river, the wise people of the town said that because of the sins men committed, the river lost it's purity and thus it cried tears of blood until it bled out and at the end died. 

As a child I always wondered that what would happen to a human if someone snatched it's purity from it, what would happen to a human if someone hurts them to the point when tears of blood fall from their eyes, now I know the answer----- their souls dry down to it's core.

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