Chapter 3: The Girl In Shadows

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Finally, the session has ended, time to put on the mask and show the act in which by now I have become an expert at and if I think about it, isn't everyone?

My new caretaker Sister Josephine is still reading the 7 year old magazine when I come out of the chamber and after looking at my direction for a split second she gives a nod and together we walk out of the building back to my house down the street without a single word said, I like how quiet she always is unlike my other nine caretakers or nannies or nurses of the past who always were far more talkative and extremely meddling. The last one  was called Samantha or Sally I believe actually left because she got scared of my sudden seizure or to put it more accurately I made her scared by my sudden seizure. I love how panicked and frightened she looked when I started screaming, it was hilarious but can you blame me? who told her to check my medicine bottles when I had strictly instructed not to. However Sister Josephine isn't like that and minds her own business with occasionally being lost in them too, Father said that her husband and child had been killed by a terrorist attack ever since which she suffers from mild schizophrenia so I guess all the crazy people are in my luck ha? but it's good to have a few potentially crazy people around actually,because  it makes me feel sane, it makes me feel home, now isn't that crazy? I                                                                           ..........

I slowly get out of my bed feeling the warmth of my slippers, the clock says it's 5:15 so its the perfect time of the morning, well as perfect as it can be when it comes to mornings when it's still dark but light enough to see. I slowly freshen up and get ready for my first day of school after the whole seizure along with the mysterious disappearance of one of our senior Algebra teacher Mr.Wright. God knows what happened to him, he was such a happy man with no enemies what so ever, lived alone after his wife passed away last year from cancer. But again typical Maple Valley concern theory, I wonder if even anyone bothered to cut his name from the school routine or visit the Police Station one more time because I can certainly remember none of those things happened when last year Ava Anderson a new sophomore girl disappeared under the same circumstances. 

Oh! sorry how could I forget? This is Maple Highs we are talking about and Mr. Wright he was Josh Everson's favorite teacher, I can't help but laugh as I look around the hallway, the cheerleaders of Maple high decked up in their uniform with a black badge around protesting the inefficiency of the Police force, the footballers walking around with posters and a group of freshmen and sophomores complete occupying the whole area of a notice board with pictures and messages in the honor of Mr.Wright, it seems as if they are preparing for a war they just don't know who it's with, if this continues like this then I fear soon one of the very dedicated friends of Eversons would start worshiping Mr.Wright, a bunch of spineless losers and just behind them their leader Josh Everson along with his older brother Hardin Everson, the princes of Maple Valley as Sister Samantha used to refer them as, then I thought it was just an exaggeration but now I see she was correct, they really are the Princes of Maple valley but I fear soon this town is going to become a kingdom without a king.

The building would fall down if the weather continues to worsen as already the top of my locker is chalk white with plasters falling from the wall and so are the corners of the hallway. It's good that the whole school is busy with the whole "Justice for Mr.Wright" drama as no one has yet noticed me return, I knew some of the people around knew about my, now how do I make it sound easy? my sudden psychological health break down but I guess most of them have forgotten about it by now as it's not a very important and trendy topic and neither am I and for the first time in my life I am thoroughly enjoying being the girl hidden in shadows. Not to say I ever was one of those who are in light because that's not where I belong, I mean how could a girl with a runny nose, enormous grandma glasses, dirty brown hair and brain of a six year old ever belong with the Eversons or anyone with the least amount coolness for that matter? No one noticed me when I tried my heart for people just to look at me for once, so how will anyone notice when I want to stay hidden? I walk around my locker to get to the next class wearing a black floral quad set and keeping my newly dyed jet black down almost covering my face, now know I should have wore something more like what I used to wear before but even looking at those yellow, patterned floral clothes made me want to puke, the brown hair made me want to rip them off of my hair, the reflection of the Harlene I was for the last 10 years of my life made me want to kill the reflection and that's not again in my list of options so I had to change something and I fear I might have changed more than just the appearance in the process, I feel from the girl hidden by shadows I may have just become the ....... girl in shadows but again in this town, how much hidden can you be?  I open the classroom door and in the reflection on the white board  beside me I see Hardin Everson standing in the other corner of the hallway with Kevin and two others and for a fraction of second he locks his eyes into mine with fear in his every breathe as if any moment I could snatch it away..... oh dear Hardin! I smile to myself.

( Song recommended for the Introduction Scene of Maple high and the whole chapter in general chapter would be linked above thanks for reading)

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