Co-workers at the DPD seemed positively inclined to those working by their side.

'Connor, Niles, in my office,' Jeffrey called, his voice calm, though loud enough for the addressed people to hear. It didn't matter, the androids would have reacted to their names called this way anyway.

Both of them exchanged their looks, as well as with their partners and went to the office where the captain was waiting with a strange patience, which seemed as if he didn't have. He looked at the androids and stood from his chair, leaning on his desk with hands as a support on the edge.

'Alright, so I won't beat around the bush,' he announced, reaching to the drawer to the right. 'Since you've got your rights, I took care of showing you in the same light as other police officers.' He slid the drawer open carefully to pull something out. 'It took some time because except the androids in the army, you're the only ones working at the police forces and my actions met a few controversies and doubts.' He lay two badges on the desk and no person had to explain what they meant. Connor and Niles knew exactly what was happening. 'From now on, you work here as the detectives, I think it's a suitable position for you,' he said, sitting on his chair again, with a gesture of a hand encouraging them to grab the objects that have been just assigned to them.

In a bit of a shock, Connor nodded and smiled slightly. He approached the desk to take the badge and scan it, simply to pin it to his jeans next. Niles didn't waste any time and did the same thing. They both attached their holsters with guns, almost as if they tried clothes on, trying if it fitted, suited them, if it was weighted perfectly.

They didn't need any trainings to shoot with a hundred percent accuracy - they were created just for that. Their processors doing calculations in the speed of light, where to aim, how to even do it. They had skills human officers had to train for years in an academy.

'Thank you, captain,' Niles spoke up.

Connor nodded in a gesture of gratefulness as well.

'You can go,' Fowler said, glad everything went as he meant for it to.

They left the captain's office, happy they officially joined the police. As detectives.

Hank scoffed amused at the pride written all over Connor's face when his sat in his place again. But why wouldn't he be proud? After all these months, he got the police badge.

'You're so happy, like you've never held a gun in your life,' the lieutenant said, looking at the android approvingly.

'Now I own it legally, at least,' Connor answered, reaching to the terminal with a hand.

His expression became more neutral, he stopped emanating with happiness to focus on work. They had to fill the reports, take care of the important things.

A new call that came onto the terminal busied his mind enough to not overthink his new position. If he wanted to think, he had to wait until the end of his shift, which was previewed to be hard as the victim was a teenage girl.

Connor couldn't image how broken one can be to take life from such young person. Of course, murder cases of the older people, the experienced in life were as wrong and inhuman but the killings of children were so much more moving.

'Have you finished your analisis?' Hank asked, watching him. He knew Connor didn't need much time to process a report so when his gaze kept on the terminal, while the lieutenant had everything in his head already, he must make sure.

He returned his partner's observant gaze and raised his eyebrows like he was wondering what he meant.

He nodded seeing him stand up.

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