Round 2!

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If your reading this that's I appreciate it❤️❤️

One of the things I love about the end of a chapter, are the authors notes they show the reader you care about them. Try to make them not to long that's boring, but short and sweet is where it's at!! So don't be afraid to put a lil note at the end.

Another thing I love it when you put reference photos of; outfits your describing, characters (cause who doesn't love to see there favourite character in the fanfic there reading✨), and other cute stuff like there rooms or cute aesthetic stuff! I find it fun and it helps the reader imagine it and helps you use your time more wisely so your not explaining everything!

Try to space out your sentences, so it's not just one massive paragraph. One: it makes your story seem longer and less rushed, two: gives it more length without you having to write to, to much! Three: it makes it easier to read as a reader. If you don't know when to space your sentence is when, your either done that topic or have 4-8 sentences, a sentence is a sentence that has a period at the end. Just for y'all who don't know!!

Hey it's Author~chan, here to say this is advice you don't have to follow it, it's more like guidelines, and opinions. It's your writing, write it how you want, but remember try to stick to basic writing rules their there for a reason to make your writing more enjoyable for readers and easier to read! And sorry if this chapter was a bit short!
See you later❤️
- Author~chan

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