Hey there!!

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Hey there here are some of my thoughts to help write fanfics, and other types of writing!! Enjoy❤️❤️

So my first though is that I dislike it when a character gets pregnant, here's why; because I it limits what you can do with so character, adds massive time skips to story's, and ruins the plot. There's nothing to entertaining about being pregnant so it creates a sense that the story died and you trying to save the story using pregnancy as a way to save it.

This one isn't like a thing I hate, it's something I love seeing. I love seeing references to tv shows, movies, or characters! Like when you read an anime fanfic, its always fun to add in references to other anime's, or characters. It's always something fun to add in!

Okay I'm bringing up making someone pregnant again for two reasons. One; when you make someone pregnant you only capture the peaceful part, not the pain or the horrible diseases you can get and you can possibly die from the diseases before you conceive the child or during labor. Another horrible thing that happens to 80% of women after birth is something called the husband stitch, it happens super often yet no one talks about it, it's really sad. I'm not going to write about it cause it's horrific, look it up if you want but I would Advise against it, but I don't control you. Okay now for reason two; they glorify being pregnant, I'm not saying it's a bad thing but they only show the good sides, they don't show the horrible sides of it like women having to get abortions because of pressure from there husbands or it's either the mom or the baby, truly horrible.

Another thing is when you base a fix of a book or tv show, try keeping it closely related or the same. Because the whole point of a fanfic  is to make the reader feel like there in that world. So don't be afraid to describe it in detail, or as much as you can!

Thanks for reading I'll probably add more, soon! Another thing I get it's usually younger kids writing fanfics but it doesn't hurt sharing un hurtful opinions and facts in fanfics. You don't know what information could help some one❤️!! Love you and see you later❤️
- Author~chan

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