Help Me

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I woke up tied to a chair I squirmed I was in the same room with Maggie. "Maggie where are we?!" She sighed "I don't know, were in some holding area but uh we'll be okay I promise Cals" I nodded silently. We heard yelling in a another room it didn't sound good. It was Merle and Glenn, "oh my god Maggie! Its Glenn!" She winced as we heard noises. And all of the sudden Merle walked in, "alright shorty your coming with me" he grabbed me by my hair and led me into the other room.

Glenn's POV

As Merle left the room I heard noises in the one next to me. And then Merle burst through the door holding Callie by her hair, she was wincing at every step she took. "Callie.." I said quietly. "Glenn!" She screamed I saw her eyes go wide at my face. Merle smiled "so chinaman you gonna talk?" I shook my head calling him bluff. Merle grinned and smacked Callie hard in the face. She whimpered loudly. He hit her three more times I still didn't say anything. "Glenn help me" she sobbed her face bloodly and bruised. Merle spoke and took out his gun and pointed it at her head, "last chance there Glenn". I then spoke"I'll tell you but first you let her go." Merle grinned "alright". He let me go and I fell on my face ad Glenn showed them where they were at. Merle smiled "nice doing buisness with ya" he walked out and then we heard the door open and a walker come in. I squealed and went to Glenn trying to get him out. "Where's your knife Cal" I slapped myself "they took it!!" Glenn winced "great, find something to fight it off with now!" I let him try and get out himself while I looked I heard a moan and. I turned and put my foot up to its neck to the hold it back as I pulled some wood off of a chair. Once I got it off I stabbed its head. Right as Glenn got out Daryl walked ino the door. "Cal" he said. "Daryl!" I ran and hugged him. "Let's go guys" we made our way out and saw Maggie a little exposed, Glenn took off his shirt and gave it to her. We got out of there and Daryl handed me my guns and my knifes. I smiled and pulled out one gun. "Are we gonna be getting out anytime soon?" They shrugged I groaned "screw this!" I walked out on the street and ran acting like a person in the town. I ran into someone. I looked up, "Andrea?"....

I've Got You ~Carl Grimes~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora