The Fight

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Carl disapeered to find Rick and I was with Lori, Beth, And Carol. We all had guns but still we were freaked out. Walkers came faster than light. Shane was missing and so was Andrea and my Grandpa no where to be found. "Gramps!!" I yelled looking for him. Lori grabbed me "baby girl let's go now!" My eyes went wide "no where is he!" Carol pulled me into the car and we were gone. I then saw a body in the fields, it was my grandpa's. I screamed and sobbed. Lori held me tight and rocked me back in forth. "Shh baby its okay sh" I cried and cried until the time came. We eventually lost l fuel and back on the road.
8 months later

I was running behind Daryl as we ran into a house with everyone. We just got away from walkers. Lori was eight months in, pretty soon we'd need to find a safe place. Carl had his hair growing out and he was getting a little older and and far more flirty. Every time he winked I rolled my eyes but I blushed. He came into the living room where everyone was at and opened some dog food. Rick picked it up and chunked it and it attracted walkers so we had to get going again. We ran as fast as we could. Its been months since I thought of my grandpa but I guess that was a good thing. Everything was bad, we never were safe anymore I hated it. Officially. We were all sleeping when Carl and I decided to go out for a walk we were sitting in a house we found and cleared when he spoke. "You should know something" I looked at him "and that would be?" "That I was there when Dale died" I looked at him wide eyed "what?" "I had his gun and I remember him reaching for it but it was too late and he he was already bit..." I glared at him "you mean you could've saved my probably only living family and you decided you wouldn't!?" He yelled "I couldn't have saved him even if I could! You don't understand Cal!" "I think I do Carl because you could've shot that walker and I know your a good shot and you could've brought him down so maybe next time you can save a life you should try!" And them he pulled out his gun and shot at me but instead I heard a bump and I turned around and saw a dead walker. "Your welcome" he replied. I growled at him and stormed back and slept next to Daryl. We woke up early like usually and found a prison. We cleared it in the yard and locked up the gates. We went into c block and cleared it out. Everything was cleared except for the other blocks, the cafeteria, and the infirmity. Carl was basi Cally the key master. Once we got there I picked a room and Carl was nearby he came in mine trying to take the top bunk and Daryl leaned against the door. "I'm not sleeping in here but I suggest you find another one" Carl got out of there fast. I rolled my eyes "really" Daryl shrugged "oops" I laid down and everything was silent, all of it quiet and peaceful. Until I got woken up. "Shortcake! You said you wanted to help so come search the prison with us!" I nodded and grabbed my gun and knife. As carl let us out be spoke "she's not going" "yes I am Carl your not the boss ofe I'll do what I want" he grunted and slammed the cage. "Alright be careful and eyes everywhere, Callie in the middle of Daryl and I" I nodded and stood there gun out I shot a walker a few times but usually in the chest. Daryl grabbed my gun and handed me his crossbow "make sure to get the arrows" I nodded and grinned. Every shot in the head. Hershel got bit in the leg and Rick amputated it off and we tyed it up.We eventually found the cafeteria and broke in. We found five prisoners. "Holy sh-" Daryl covered my mouth. "Watch your mouth shortcake". I rolled my eyes. They came out and stared us down they had a discussion and I wanted to laugh as they said we needed to get Hershel to a doctor. How long have they been locked up forreal. Iwas guessing the Mexican guy was their leader. They told us they had little food and we told them we'd clear out a cell block for them and then we'd get half the food. We walked in to the pantry and they were stocked. My mouth nearly hit the floor and then I saw a door. "Where does this go to?" I asked. I opened the door as one of them said "no don't open that" I closed it because all I could smell was rotting meat. We grabbed half off the food and I stayed close to Daryl. One of the prisoners came up to me "is this this your daughter Daryl?" He nodded "yeah she's pretty much a Lil ass kicker with a crossbow but she don't have one" the guy smiled there's one in the left watch tower". I smiled and looked at Daryl. We were about to bust out and get to the cell block D. We opened the door and the Mexican guy shoved me into a walker. I screams and lost my gun I could get it so I put my elbow up to its neck to keep it from biting me. I saw Rick stab it in the head and walker blood all over my face. "Ew" I said. Rick went up to the guy and had a knife. "Sorry man shit happens". Rick nodded "yeah shit happens. "As the guy stepped forward rick stabbed him in the head. I gasped and daryl covered my face. "Let's go" rick said. We got to cell block D and we dropped the two remaining prisoners. "Adios" was all I said and we walked off leaving them. We eventually made it back and Lori had to do something to help Hershel's leg. I couldn't watch. "I'm so happy your alright" Carl said. "Yeah but I almost wasn't cause of an idiot". Carl nodded "well I'm glad your okay I don't know what I would've done If i lost you." I nodded and walked off. What Did he mean. By a couple hours Daryl came and told me hershel was okay. I nodded x9

I've Got You ~Carl Grimes~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora