Come Back To Me Again

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I couldn't stand being without her anymore. I got up at 3 and walked to the house I saw a lamp on and walked in she was asleep with the kids surrounding her. I breathed out happily "oh Cal, come back to me please". "Okay" a voice startled me "Cal?" I asked "yes, come back to me". I chuckled "oh Cal. Your an idiot". She giggled and got up slowly and stood there in front of me. Messy ponytail, sweatpants, and tank top. All beautiful to me. She ran into my arms and I kissed her sweetly. She smiled as tears went down her face. "I hate being away from you" she said "I'm sorry". I kissed her and pulled away "don't be sorry it was my fault and I promise i wont ever do anything like that again". She smiled at me "late night pajama party?" She asked. I nodded "absolutely!" I picked her up bridal style and we went up to the bedroom and sat there. We just talked until we fell asleep.

We woke up to the kids screaming because there was someone in the bed and they couldn't tell who. "Mommy!! Who is that!?" Naveah screamed. "Mom what the heck!?" Mika and Luke said. I giggled and pulled the blankets off of him revealing their fathers face. They sighed "daddy!!" Naveah screamed.

He laughed "good morning princess". He kissed her and the kids joined us in bed. We all talked and then the phone rang. "The Grimes family who am I speaking to?". "California Allison Johnson!!". I raised an eyebrow "yes?" "Its your sister Cam".

My eyes went wide I felt like I was going to throw up. "Cam!?". I hung up and ran and ran to Beth's house. I knew she was there. I saw her and she looked terrible. I felt warm tears go down my cheeks "Cam!!". I ran into her arms and she held tightly in hers. "Oh don't ever leave me oh please oh please".

I've Got You ~Carl Grimes~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat