004. weird people

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you kept a face for her sake

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you kept a face for her sake.

ᅠ╰─> AS THE sisters ran out of breath, the happening with Ban Yeoryeong, the pretty girl the twins met in the morning, disappeared

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ᅠ╰─> AS THE sisters ran out of breath, the happening with Ban Yeoryeong, the pretty girl the twins met in the morning, disappeared. The thoughts about Yoo Chunyoung, the handsome boy Ham Haru bumped into on their way out of the school, also seemed to scatter away.

"We...got...away...!" Ham Dan-I panted, holding her knees to balance herself from falling.

Ham Haru weakly laughed. "...good job, us..." She then collapsed on the ground.

Shocked, Ham Dan-I frantically rushed to her older sister's side. Recalling that Ham Haru was all brains but no brawn, she was regretting the literal running away plan.

"Haru unnie!!" She cried.

Seeing Ham Dan-I's towering face above hers, Ham Haru reached for her younger sister's pretty cheeks.

"...Since my promised ring with Kiro is gone...might as well...die here...it's been a good life, Dan-I...I love you...good...bye..." Ham Haru's hand dropped back on her chest.

Ham Dan-I shuddered.

Turning her sister's face, her usual pretty cupped face was no more. Ham Haru's passed out white eyes were standing out while her skin lost its original hue. Everything seemed to be the outcome of a soul leaving the body.

"Nooo!! Haru unnie, don't die on me!!"

The sound of a skin being smacked real hard reached the clear blue skies.




"Dan-I..." Ham Haru rubbed her stinging face as she held out her phone to see her own reflection. There was a big red hand mark imprinted on her right cheek. "if you weren't my twin, I would've done all sorts of things to you by now..."

The irked Ham Dan-I punched her by the shoulder. "YOU WERE DYING ON ME! WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!"

Ham Haru let out a deep sigh, pushing her younger twin away from her to fix her glasses. Looks like I need to work on my cardio exercise. I can barely run without getting exhausted right away...

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